slok mÚ 1 ]
aucwrx slok mh`lw pihlw
salok ma 1 ||
Shalok, First Mehl:
haumY krI qW qU nwhI qU hovih hau nwih ]
ho mai karee thaan thoo naahee thoo hovehi ho naahi ||
When one acts in egotism, then You are not there, Lord. Wherever You are, there is no ego.
bUJhu igAwnI bUJxw eyh AkQ kQw mn mwih ]
aucwrx bU`Jhu; bU`Jxw
boojhahu giaanee boojhanaa eaeh akathh kathhaa man maahi ||
O spiritual teachers, understand this: the Unspoken Speech is in the mind.
ibnu gur qqu n pweIAY AlKu vsY sB mwih ]
aucwrx Al`Ku
bin gur thath n paaeeai alakh vasai sabh maahi ||
Without the Guru, the essence of reality is not found; the Invisible Lord dwells everywhere.
siqguru imlY q jwxIAY jW sbdu vsY mn mwih ]
sathigur milai th jaaneeai jaan sabadh vasai man maahi ||
One meets the True Guru, and then the Lord is known, when the Word of the Shabad comes to dwell in the mind.
Awpu gieAw BRmu Bau gieAw jnm mrn duK jwih ]
aap gaeiaa bhram bho gaeiaa janam maran dhukh jaahi ||
When self-conceit departs, doubt and fear also depart, and the pain of birth and death is removed.
gurmiq AlKu lKweIAY aUqm miq qrwih ]
aucwrx Al`Ku; m`iq
guramath alakh lakhaaeeai ootham math tharaahi ||
Following the Guru's Teachings, the Unseen Lord is seen; the intellect is exalted, and one is carried across.
nwnk so hµ hµ sw jpu jwphu iqRBvx iqsY smwih ]1]
aucwrx so hµ hµ sw: v`Kry krky
naanak sohan hansaa jap jaapahu thribhavan thisai samaahi ||1||
O Nanak, chant the chant of 'Sohang hansaa' - 'He is me, and I am Him.' The three worlds are absorbed in Him. ||1||