kchu kMcnu BieAau sbdu gur sRvxih suixE ]
kachahu kanchan bhaeiao sabadh gur sravanehi suniou ||
Glass is transformed into gold, listening to the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
ibKu qy AMimRqu huXau nwmu siqgur muiK BixAau ]
aucwrx huXau: huieAau bolo
bikh thae anmrith huyo naam sathigur mukh bhaniao ||
Poison is transformed into ambrosial nectar, speaking the Name of the True Guru.
lohau hoXau lwlu ndir siqguru jid DwrY ]
aucwrx hoXau: hoieAau bolo
loho hoyo laal nadhar sathigur jadh dhhaarai ||
Iron is transformed into jewels, when the True Guru bestows His Glance of Grace.
pwhx mwxk krY igAwnu gur kihAau bIcwrY ]
paahan maanak karai giaan gur kehiao beechaarai ||
Stones are transformed into emeralds, when the mortal chants and contemplates the spiritual wisdom of the Guru.
kwThu sRIKMf siqguir kIAau duK dirdR iqn ky gieA ]
kaathahu sreekhandd sathigur keeao dhukh dharidhr thin kae gaeia ||
The True Guru transforms ordinary wood into sandalwood, eradicating the pains of poverty.
siqgurU crn ijn@ prisAw sy psu pryq suir nr BieA ]2]6]
sathiguroo charan jinh parasiaa sae pas paraeth sur nar bhaeia ||2||6||
Whoever touches the Feet of the True Guru, is transformed from a beast and a ghost into an angelic being. ||2||6||