jwim gurU hoie vil Dnih ikAw gwrvu idjie ]
jaam guroo hoe val dhhanehi kiaa gaarav dhijae ||
One who has the Guru on his side - how could he be proud of his wealth?
jwim gurU hoie vil lK bwhy ikAw ikjie ]
jaam guroo hoe val lakh baahae kiaa kijae ||
One who has the Guru on his side - what would hundreds of thousands of supporters do for him?
jwim gurU hoie vil igAwn Aru iDAwn Ann pir ]
aucwrx Ann: polw bolo (ASuD: A-nn)
jaam guroo hoe val giaan ar dhhiaan anan par ||
One who has the Guru on his side, does not depend on anyone else for spiritual wisdom and meditation.
jwim gurU hoie vil sbdu swKI su sch Gir ]
jaam guroo hoe val sabadh saakhee s sacheh ghar ||
One who has the Guru on his side contemplates the Shabad and the Teachings, and abides in the Home of Truth.
jo gurU gurU Aihinis jpY dwsu Btu byniq khY ]
jo guroo guroo ahinis japai dhaas bhatt baenath kehai ||
The Lord's humble slave and poet utters this prayer: whoever chants to the Guru night and day,
jo gurU nwmu ird mih DrY so jnm mrx duh Qy rhY ]3]7]
jo guroo naam ridh mehi dhharai so janam maran dhuh thhae rehai ||3||7||
Whoever enshrines the Name of the Guru within his heart, is rid of both birth and death. ||3||7||