SGGSAng 409Raag AsaMahalla 56 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw

aasaa mehalaa 5 ||

Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

hrK sog bYrwg AnµdI Kylu rI idKwieE ]1] rhwau ]

harakh sog bairaag anandhee khael ree dhikhaaeiou ||1|| rehaao ||

Pleasure and pain, detachment and ecstasy - the Lord has revealed His Play. ||1||Pause||

iKnhUµ BY inrBY iKnhUµ iKnhUµ auiT DwieE ]

aucwrx inr-BY

khinehoon bhai nirabhai khinehoon khinehoon outh dhhaaeiou ||

One moment, the mortal is in fear, and the next moment he is fearless; in a moment, he gets up and departs.

iKnhUµ rs Bogn iKnhUµ iKnhU qij jwieE ]1]

aucwrx Bogn: iek`Tw bolo

khinehoon ras bhogan khinehoon khinehoo thaj jaaeiou ||1||

One moment, he enjoys pleasures, and the next moment, he leaves and goes away. ||1||

iKnhUµ jog qwp bhu pUjw iKnhUµ BrmwieE ]

khinehoon jog thaap bahu poojaa khinehoon bharamaaeiou ||

One moment, he practices Yoga and intense meditation, and all sorts of worship; the next moment, he wanders in doubt.

iKnhUµ ikrpw swDU sMg nwnk hir rMgu lwieE ]2]5]156]

khinehoon kirapaa saadhhoo sang naanak har rang laaeiou ||2||5||156||

One moment, O Nanak, the Lord bestows His Mercy and blesses him with His Love, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||2||5||156||