Bhai Gurdas JiAng 13Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 137 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

6: Almsq vrxn

Description of the delight

glI swdu n AwveI ijcru muhu KwlI ]

galee saadu n aavaee jicharu muhu khaalee.

So long as a tasty object enters not the mouth, mere talking about taste cannot bring any joy.

muhu BirAY ikauN bolIAY rs jIB rswlI ]

muhu bhariai kioun boleeai ras jeebh rasaalee.

When holding the object the mouth is full of taste and tongue full of delight, how could one speak?

sbdu suriq ismrx aulMiG nih ndir inhwlI ]

sabadu surati simaran ulaghi nahi nadari nihaalee.

Going past the stage of recitation those whose consciousness gets merged in the Word, do not see anything except the Lord.

pMQu kupMQu n suJeI Almsq iKAwlI ]

pandu koupandu n sujhaee alamasat khiaalee.

For the people drenched in love, good or bad ways have not meaning.

fgmg cwl suFwl hY gurmiq inrwlI ]

dagamag chaal suddhaal hai guramati niraalee.

Wobbling gait of the person full of love for the wisdom of the Guru (gurmat) looks distinctly beautiful.

ciVAw cMdu n lukeI Fik joiq kunwlI ]6]

charhiaa chandu n loukaee ddhaki joti kounaalee ||6||

Now the moon emerged in the sky of heart cannot remain hidden in spite of efforts to cover its light with flour kneading basin.