7: iprm rs
Elixir of love
lK lK bwvn cMdnw lK Agr imlMdy ]
lakh lakh baavan chandanaa lakh agar miladay.
Myriads of sandals and fragrant sticks may be mixed;
lK kpUr kQUrIAw AMbr mihkMdy ]
lakh kapoor kadooreeaa anbar mahikanday.
With myriads camphor’s and musk’s the sky may be made full of fragrance;
lK lK gauVy myd imil kysr cmkMdy ]
lakh lakh gaurhay mayd mili kaysar chamakanday.
If myriads of saffron are mixed with yellow pigment of cow;
sB sugMD rlwiekY Argjw krMdy ]
sabh sougandh ralaai kai aragajaa karanday.
And of all these fragrances an incense stick is prepared;
lK Argjy Pulyl Pul PulvwVI sMdy ]
lakh aragajay phulayl phul phulavaarhee sanday.
Then myriads of such sticks may be mixed with the fragrance of flowers and scents,
gurmuiK suK Pl iprmrsu vwsU n lhMdy ]7]
guramoukhi soukh phal piram rasu vaasoo n lahanday ||7||
Even then all these cannot withstand the fragrance of the elixir of love of the gurmukh.