mwrU mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pMjvw
maaroo mehalaa 5 ||
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:
ssiqR qIKix kwit fwirE min n kIno rosu ]
sasathr theekhan kaatt ddaariou man n keeno ros ||
The sharp tool cuts down the tree, but it does not feel anger in its mind.
kwju auAw ko ly svwirE iqlu n dIno dosu ]1]
aucwrx auAw: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: aUAw, EAw)
kaaj ouaa ko lae savaariou thil n dheeno dhos ||1||
It serves the purpose of the cutter, and does not blame him at all. ||1||
mn myry rwm rau inq nIiq ]
man maerae raam ro nith neeth ||
O my mind, continually, continuously, meditate on the Lord.
dieAwl dyv ikRpwl goibMd suin sMqnw kI rIiq ]1] rhwau ]
dhaeiaal dhaev kirapaal gobindh sun santhanaa kee reeth ||1|| rehaao ||
The Lord of the Universe is merciful, divine and compassionate. Listen - this is the way of the Saints. ||1||Pause||
crx qlY augwih bYisE sRmu n rihE srIir ]
aucwrx qlY: polw bolo
charan thalai ougaahi baisiou sram n rehiou sareer ||
He plants his feet in the boat, and then sits down in it; the fatigue of his body is relieved.
mhw swgru nh ivAwpY iKnih auqirE qIir ]2]
mehaa saagar neh viaapai khinehi outhariou theer ||2||
The great ocean does not even affect him; in an instant, he arrives on the other shore. ||2||
cMdn Agr kpUr lypn iqsu sMgy nhI pRIiq ]
chandhan agar kapoor laepan this sangae nehee preeth ||
Sandalwood, aloe, and camphor-paste - the earth does not love them.
ibstw mUqR Koid iqlu iqlu min n mnI ibprIiq ]3]
aucwrx ibp-rIiq
bisattaa moothr khodh thil thil man n manee bipareeth ||3||
But it doesn't mind,if someone digs it up bit by bit,and applies manure and urine to it. ||3||
aUc nIc ibkwr suikRq sµlgn sB suK CqR ]
aucwrx su-ikRq; sµ-lgn
ooch neech bikaar sukirath sanlagan sabh sukh shhathr ||
High and low, bad and good - the comforting canopy of the sky stretches evenly over all.
imqR sqRü n kCU jwnY srb jIA smq ]4]
aucwrx smq: polw bolo (ASuD: sm`q)
mithr sathra n kashhoo jaanai sarab jeea samath ||4||
It knows nothing of friend and enemy; all beings are alike to it. ||4||
kir pRgwsu pRcµf pRgitE AMDkwr ibnws ]
kar pragaas prachandd pragattiou andhhakaar binaas ||
Blazing with its dazzling light, the sun rises, and dispels the darkness.
pivqR ApivqRh ikrx lwgy min n BieE ibKwdu ]5]
pavithr apavithreh kiran laagae man n bhaeiou bikhaadh ||5||
Touching both the pure and the impure, it harbors no hatred to any. ||5||
sIq mMd sugµD cilE srb Qwn smwn ]
seeth mandh sugandhh chaliou sarab thhaan samaan ||
The cool and fragrant wind gently blows upon all places alike.
jhw sw ikCu qhw lwigE iqlu n sµkw mwn ]6]
jehaa saa kishh thehaa laagiou thil n sankaa maan ||6||
Wherever anything is, it touches it there, and does not hesitate a bit. ||6||
suBwie ABwie ju inkit AwvY sIqu qw kw jwie ]
aucwrx suBwie: 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj; ABwie: 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj
subhaae abhaae j nikatt aavai seeth thaa kaa jaae ||
Good or bad, whoever comes close to the fire - his cold is taken away.
Awp pr kw kCu n jwxY sdw shij suBwie ]7]
aucwrx suBwie: 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj
aap par kaa kashh n jaanai sadhaa sehaj subhaae ||7||
It knows nothing of its own or others'; it is constant in the same quality. ||7||
crx srx snwQ iehu mnu rµig rwqy lwl ]
aucwrx rwqy: Bwrw krky bolo
charan saran sanaathh eihu man rang raathae laal ||
Whoever seeks the Sancuary of the feet of the Sublime Lord - his mind is attuned to the Love of the Beloved.
gopwl gux inq gwau nwnk Bey pRB ikrpwl ]8]3]
gopaal gun nith gaao naanak bheae prabh kirapaal ||8||3||
Constantly singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the World, O Nanak, God becomes merciful to us. ||8||3||