SGGSAng 1017Raag MaruMahalla 519 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

mwrU mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pMjvw

maaroo mehalaa 5 ||

Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:

kir AnugRhu rwiK lIno BieE swDU sMgu ]

aucwrx Anu`gRhu

kar anugrahu raakh leeno bhaeiou saadhhoo sang ||

Granting His Grace, He has protected me; I have found the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

hir nwm rsu rsnw aucwrY imst gUVw rMgu ]1]

har naam ras rasanaa ouchaarai misatt goorraa rang ||1||

My tongue lovingly chants the Lord's Name; this love is so sweet and intense! ||1||

myry mwn ko AsQwnu ]

maerae maan ko asathhaan ||

He is the place of rest for my mind,

mIq swjn sKw bµDpu AMqrjwmI jwnu ]1] rhwau ]

meeth saajan sakhaa bandhhap antharajaamee jaan ||1|| rehaao ||

My friend, companion, associate and relative; He is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts. ||1||Pause||

sMswr swgru ijin aupwieE srix pRB kI ghI ]

sansaar saagar jin oupaaeiou saran prabh kee gehee ||

He created the world-ocean; I seek the Sanctuary of that God.

gurpRswdI pRBu ArwDy jmkµkru ikCu n khI ]2]

gur prasaadhee prabh araadhhae jamakankar kishh n kehee ||2||

By Guru's Grace, I worship and adore God; the Messenger of Death can't say anything to me. ||2||

moK mukiq duAwir jw kY sMq irdw Bµfwru ]

mokh mukath dhuaar jaa kai santh ridhaa bhanddaar ||

Emancipation and liberation are at His Door; He is the treasure in the hearts of the Saints.

jIA jugiq sujwxu suAwmI sdw rwKxhwru ]3]

jeea jugath sujaan suaamee sadhaa raakhanehaar ||3||

The all-knowing Lord and Master shows us the true way of life; He is our Savior and Protector forever. ||3||

dUK drd klys ibnsih ijsu bsY mn mwih ]

dhookh dharadh kalaes binasehi jis basai man maahi ||

Pain, suffering and troubles are eradicated, when the Lord abides in the mind.

imrqu nrku AsQwn ibKVy ibKu n pohY qwih ]4]

mirath narak asathhaan bikharrae bikh n pohai thaahi ||4||

Death, hell and the most horrible dwelling of sin and corruption cannot even touch such a person. ||4||

iriD isiD nviniD jw kY AMimRqw prvwh ]

aucwrx ir`iD; is`iD; nv-in`iD

ridhh sidhh nav nidhh jaa kai anmrithaa paravaah ||

Wealth, miraculous spiritual powers and the nine treasures come from the Lord, as do the streams of Ambrosial Nectar.

Awid AMqy miD pUrn aUc Agm Agwh ]5]

aadh anthae madhh pooran ooch agam agaah ||5||

In the beginning, in the middle, and in the end, He is perfect, lofty, unapproachable and unfathomable. ||5||

isD swiDk dyv muin jn byd krih aucwru ]

aucwrx is`D

sidhh saadhhik dhaev mun jan baedh karehi ouchaar ||

The Siddhas, seekers, angelic beings, silent sages, and the Vedas speak of Him.

ismir suAwmI suK shij Buµcih nhI AMqu pwrwvwru ]6]

simar suaamee sukh sehaj bhunchehi nehee anth paaraavaar ||6||

Meditating in remembrance on the Lord and Master, celestial peace is enjoyed; He has no end or limitation. ||6||

Aink pRwCq imtih iKn mih irdY jip Bgvwn ]

anik praashhath mittehi khin mehi ridhai jap bhagavaan ||

Countless sins are erased in an instant, meditating on the Benevolent Lord within the heart.

pwvnw qy mhw pwvn koit dwn iesnwn ]7]

paavanaa thae mehaa paavan kott dhaan eisanaan ||7||

Such a person becomes the purest of the pure, and is blessed with the merits of millions of donations to charity and cleansing baths. ||7||

bl buiD suiD prwx srbsu sMqnw kI rwis ]

aucwrx sr-bsu: polw bolo (ASuD: srb`su)

bal budhh sudhh paraan sarabas santhanaa kee raas ||

God is power, intellect, understanding, the breath of life, wealth, and everything for the Saints.

ibsru nwhI inmK mn qy nwnk kI Ardwis ]8]2]

bisar naahee nimakh man thae naanak kee aradhaas ||8||2||

May I never forget Him from my mind, even for an instant - this is Nanak's prayer. ||8||2||