pauVI ]
pourree ||
DDw Dwvq qau imtY sµqsµig hoie bwsu ]
dhhadhhaa dhhaavath tho mittai santhasang hoe baas ||
DHADHA: The mind's wanderings cease, when one comes to dwell in the Society of the Saints.
Dur qy ikrpw krhu Awip qau hoie mnih prgwsu ]
dhhur thae kirapaa karahu aap tho hoe manehi paragaas ||
If the Lord is Merciful from the very beginning, then one's mind is enlightened.
Dnu swcw qyaU sc swhw ]
dhhan saachaa thaeoo sach saahaa ||
Those who have the true wealth are the true bankers.
hir hir pUMjI nwm ibswhw ]
har har poonjee naam bisaahaa ||
The Lord, Har, Har, is their wealth, and they trade in His Name.
DIrju jsu soBw iqh binAw ]
dhheeraj jas sobhaa thih baniaa ||
Patience, glory and honor come to those
hir hir nwmu sRvn ijh suinAw ]
har har naam sravan jih suniaa ||
Who listen to the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.
gurmuiK ijh Git rhy smweI ]
guramukh jih ghatt rehae samaaee ||
That Gurmukh whose heart remains merged with the Lord,
nwnk iqh jn imlI vfweI ]35]
naanak thih jan milee vaddaaee ||35||
O Nanak, obtains glorious greatness. ||35||