pauVI 3: mnu`K jnm dI au`qmqw
Grandeur of human birth
caurwsIh lK join ivic auqmu jnmu su mwxis dyhI ]
chauraaseeh lakh joni vichi outamu janamu su maanasi dayhee.
Of the eighty four lacs life classes, birth as a human is the best.
AKI vyKxu krin suix muiK suB bolxu bcn snyhI ]
akhee vaykhanu karani souni moukhi soubhi bolani bachan sanayhee.
Eyes behold, ears listen to and the mouth speaks sweet words.
hQI kwr kmwvxI pYrI cil siqsMig imlyhI ]
hathee kaar kamaavanee pairee chali satisangi milayhee.
Hands earn livelihood and feet take towards the holy congregation.
ikriq ivriq kir Drm dI Kit Kvwlxu kwir kryhI ]
kirati virati kari dharam dee khati khavaalanu kaari karayhee.
In human life alone by the rightful earning, out of one's savings, other needy ones are fed.
gurmuiK jnmu skwrQw gurbwxI piV smiJ suxyhI ]
guramoukhi janamu sakaaradaa gurabaanee parhhi samajhi sounayhee.
Man by becoming gurmukh- Guru oriented, makes his life meaningful; he reads Gurbani and makes others understand (the importance of) bani.
gurBweI sMqusit kir crxwimqu lY muiK ipvyhI ]
gurabhaaee santousati kari charanaamrit lai moukhi pivayhee.
He satisfies his companions and takes the holy water touched by their feet i.e. he inculcates complete humility.
pYrI pvxu n CofIAY klI kwil rhrwis kryhI ]
pairee pavanu n chhodeeai kalee kaali raharaasi karayhee.
Humblytouching of the feet should not be repudiated because in the dark age, this quality is the only asset (of the human personality).
Awip qry gur isK qryhI ]3]
aapi taray gur sikh tarayhee ||3||
People of such a conduct will swim the world-ocean and also get along other disciples of the Guru.