SGGSAng 786Raag SuhiVaar Suhi Ki Mahalla 36 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


iehu jgu Awip aupwieEnu kir coj ivfwnu ]

eihu jag aap oupaaeioun kar choj viddaan ||

He Himself created this world, and staged this wondrous play.

pMc Dwqu ivic pweIAnu mohu JUTu gumwnu ]

panch dhhaath vich paaeean mohu jhooth gumaan ||

Into the body of the five elements, He infused attachment, falsehood and self-conceit.

AwvY jwie BvweIAY mnmuKu AigAwnu ]

aavai jaae bhavaaeeai manamukh agiaan ||

The ignorant, self-willed manmukh comes and goes, wandering in reincarnation.

ieknw Awip buJwieEnu gurmuiK hir igAwnu ]

aucwrx bu`JwieEnu

eikanaa aap bujhaaeioun guramukh har giaan ||

He Himself teaches some to become Gurmukh, through the spiritual wisdom of the Lord.

Bgiq Kjwnw bKisEnu hir nwmu inDwnu ]4]

bhagath khajaanaa bakhasioun har naam nidhhaan ||4||

He blesses them with the treasure of devotional worship, and the wealth of the Lord's Name. ||4||