SGGSAng 1260Raag MalarMahalla 311 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

mlwr mhlw 3 ]

aucwrx mlwr mh`lw qIjw

malaar mehalaa 3 ||

Malaar, Third Mehl:

jIau ipMfu pRwx siB iqsky Git Git rihAw smweI ]

jeeo pindd praan sabh this kae ghatt ghatt rehiaa samaaee ||

Soul, body and breath of life are all His; He is permeating and pervading each and every heart.

eyksu ibnu mY Avru n jwxw siqguir dIAw buJweI ]1]

aucwrx bu`JweI

eaekas bin mai avar n jaanaa sathigur dheeaa bujhaaee ||1||

Except the One Lord, I do not know any other at all. The True Guru has revealed this to me. ||1||

mn myry nwim rhau ilv lweI ]

man maerae naam reho liv laaee ||

O my mind, remain lovingly attuned to the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

Aidstu Agocru Aprµpru krqw gur kY sbid hir iDAweI ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx Ap-rµpru

adhisatt agochar aparanpar karathaa gur kai sabadh har dhhiaaee ||1|| rehaao ||

Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, I meditate on the Lord, the Unseen, Unfathomable and Infinite Creator. ||1||Pause||

mnu qnu BIjY eyk ilv lwgY shjy rhy smweI ]

man than bheejai eaek liv laagai sehajae rehae samaaee ||

Mind and body are pleased, lovingly attuned to the One Lord, intuitively absorbed in peace and poise.

gurprswdI BRmu Bau BwgY eyk nwim ilv lweI ]2]

gur parasaadhee bhram bho bhaagai eaek naam liv laaee ||2||

By Guru's Grace, doubt and fear are dispelled, being lovingly attuned to the One Name. ||2||

gur bcnI scu kwr kmwvY giq miq qb hI pweI ]

aucwrx m`iq

gur bachanee sach kaar kamaavai gath math thab hee paaee ||

When the mortal follows the Guru's Teachings, and lives the Truth, then he attains the state of emancipation.

koit mDy iksih buJwey iqin rwm nwim ilv lweI ]3]

aucwrx m`Dy; bu`Jwey

kott madhhae kisehi bujhaaeae thin raam naam liv laaee ||3||

Among millions, how rare is that one who understands, and is lovingly attuned to the Name of the Lord. ||3||

jh jh dyKw qh eyko soeI ieh gurmiq buiD pweI ]

jeh jeh dhaekhaa theh eaeko soee eih guramath budhh paaee ||

Wherever I look, there I see the One. This understanding has come through the Guru's Teachings.

mnu qnu pRwn DrˆØI iqsu AwgY nwnk Awpu gvweI ]4]7]

man than praan dhharanaee this aagai naanak aap gavaaee ||4||7||

I place my mind, body and breath of life in offering before Him; O Nanak, self-conceit is gone. ||4||7||