BYrau bwxI Bgqw kI ]
bhairo baanee bhagathaa kee ||
Bhairao, The Word Of The Devotees,
kbIr jIau Gru 1
aucwrx kbIr jIau Gru pihlw
kabeer jeeo ghar 1
Kabeer Jee, First House:
<> siqgur pRswid ]
aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr
ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
iehu Dnu myry hir ko nwau ]
eihu dhhan maerae har ko naao ||
The Name of the Lord - this alone is my wealth.
gWiT n bwDau byic n Kwau ]1] rhwau ]
gaanth n baadhho baech n khaao ||1|| rehaao ||
I do not tie it up to hide it, nor do I sell it to make my living. ||1||Pause||
nwau myry KyqI nwau myry bwrI ]
naao maerae khaethee naao maerae baaree ||
The Name is my crop, and the Name is my field.
Bgiq krau jnu srin qum@wrI ]1]
bhagath karo jan saran thumhaaree ||1||
As Your humble servant, I perform devotional worship to You; I seek Your Sanctuary. ||1||
nwau myry mwieAw nwau myry pUMjI ]
naao maerae maaeiaa naao maerae poonjee ||
The Name is Maya and wealth for me; the Name is my capital.
qumih Coif jwnau nhI dUjI ]2]
thumehi shhodd jaano nehee dhoojee ||2||
I do not forsake You; I do not know any other at all. ||2||
nwau myry bµiDp nwau myry BweI ]
naao maerae bandhhip naao maerae bhaaee ||
The Name is my family, the Name is my brother.
nwau myry sµig AMiq hoie sKweI ]3]
naao maerae sang anth hoe sakhaaee ||3||
The Name is my companion, who will help me in the end. ||3||
mwieAw mih ijsu rKY audwsu ]
maaeiaa mehi jis rakhai oudhaas ||
One whom the Lord keeps detached from Maya
kih kbIr hau qw ko dwsu ]4]1]
kehi kabeer ho thaa ko dhaas ||4||1||
- says Kabeer, I am his slave. ||4||1||