nWgy Awvnu nWgy jwnw ]
naangae aavan naangae jaanaa ||
Naked we come, and naked we go.
koie n rihhY rwjw rwnw ]1]
koe n rehihai raajaa raanaa ||1||
No one, not even the kings and queens, shall remain. ||1||
rwmu rwjw nauiniD myrY ]
aucwrx nau-in`iD
raam raajaa no nidhh maerai ||
The Sovereign Lord is the nine treasures for me.
sMpY hyqu klqu Dnu qyrY ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx kl`qu
sanpai haeth kalath dhhan thaerai ||1|| rehaao ||
The possessions and the spouse to which the mortal is lovingly attached, are Your wealth, O Lord. ||1||Pause||
Awvq sMg n jwq sµgwqI ]
aavath sang n jaath sangaathee ||
They do not come with the mortal, and they do not go with him.
khw BieE dir bWDy hwQI ]2]
kehaa bhaeiou dhar baandhhae haathhee ||2||
What good does it do him, if he has elephants tied up at his doorway? ||2||
lµkw gFu sony kw BieAw ]
lankaa gadt sonae kaa bhaeiaa ||
The fortress of Sri Lanka was made out of gold,
mUrKu rwvnu ikAw ly gieAw ]3]
moorakh raavan kiaa lae gaeiaa ||3||
But what could the foolish Raawan take with him when he left? ||3||
kih kbIr ikCu gunu bIcwir ]
kehi kabeer kishh gun beechaar ||
Says Kabeer, think of doing some good deeds.
cly juAwrI duie hQ Jwir ]4]2]
chalae juaaree dhue hathh jhaar ||4||2||
In the end, the gambler shall depart empty-handed. ||4||2||