inrDn Awdru koeI n dyie ]
niradhhan aadhar koee n dhaee ||
No one respects the poor man.
lwK jqn krY Ehu iciq n Dryie ]1] rhwau ]
laakh jathan karai ouhu chith n dhharaee ||1|| rehaao ||
He may make thousands of efforts, but no one pays any attention to him. ||1||Pause||
jau inrDnu srDn kY jwie ]
jo niradhhan saradhhan kai jaae ||
When the poor man goes to the rich man,
Awgy bYTw pIiT iPrwie ]1]
aagae baithaa peeth firaae ||1||
And sits right in front of him, the rich man turns his back on him. ||1||
jau srDnu inrDn kY jwie ]
jo saradhhan niradhhan kai jaae ||
But when the rich man goes to the poor man,
dIAw Awdru lIAw bulwie ]2]
dheeaa aadhar leeaa bulaae ||2||
The poor man welcomes him with respect. ||2||
inrDnu srDnu donau BweI ]
niradhhan saradhhan dhono bhaaee ||
The poor man and the rich man are both brothers.
pRB kI klw n mytI jweI ]3]
prabh kee kalaa n maettee jaaee ||3||
God's pre-ordained plan cannot be erased. ||3||
kih kbIr inrDn hY soeI ]
kehi kabeer niradhhan hai soee ||
Says Kabeer, he alone is poor,
jw ky ihrdY nwmu n hoeI ]4]8]
jaa kae hiradhai naam n hoee ||4||8||
Who does not have the Naam, the Name of the Lord, in his heart. ||4||8||