SGGSAng 1158Raag BhaironBhagat Kabir Jio10 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

aulit jwiq kul doaU ibswrI ]

oulatt jaath kul dhooo bisaaree ||

Turning away from the world, I have forgotten both my social class and ancestry.

suMn shj mih bunq hmwrI ]1]

sunn sehaj mehi bunath hamaaree ||1||

My weaving now is in the most profound celestial stillness. ||1||

hmrw Jgrw rhw n koaU ]

hamaraa jhagaraa rehaa n kooo ||

I have no quarrel with anyone.

pMifq mulW Cwfy doaU ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx mu`lW

panddith mulaan shhaaddae dhooo ||1|| rehaao ||

I have abandoned both the Pandits, the Hindu religious scholars, and the Mullahs, the Muslim priests. ||1||Pause||

buin buin Awp Awpu pihrwvau ]

bun bun aap aap pehiraavo ||

I weave and weave, and wear what I weave.

jh nhI Awpu qhw hoie gwvau ]2]

jeh nehee aap thehaa hoe gaavo ||2||

Where egotism does not exist, there I sing God's Praises. ||2||

pMifq mulW jo iliK dIAw ]

aucwrx mu`lW

panddith mulaan jo likh dheeaa ||

Whatever the Pandits and Mullahs have written,

Cwif cly hm kCU n lIAw ]3]

shhaadd chalae ham kashhoo n leeaa ||3||

I reject; I do not accept any of it. ||3||

irdY ieKlwsu inriKly mIrw ]

aucwrx ieK-lwsu; inriK-ly

ridhai eikhalaas nirakh lae meeraa ||

My heart is pure, and so I have seen the Lord within.

Awpu Koij Koij imly kbIrw ]4]7]

aap khoj khoj milae kabeeraa ||4||7||

Searching, searching within the self, Kabeer has met the Lord. ||4||7||