SGGSAng 631Raag SorathMahalla 57 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

soriT mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx soriT mh`lw pMjvw

sorath mehalaa 5 ||

Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl:

jIA jµq siB vis kir dIny syvk siB drbwry ]

jeea janth sabh vas kar dheenae saevak sabh dharabaarae ||

All beings and creatures are subservient to all those who serve in the Lord's Court.

AMgIkwru kIE pRB Apuny Bv iniD pwir auqwry ]1]

aucwrx in`iD

angeekaar keeou prabh apunae bhav nidhh paar outhaarae ||1||

Their God made them His own, and carried them across the terrifying world-ocean. ||1||

sMqn ky kwrj sgl svwry ]

santhan kae kaaraj sagal savaarae ||

He resolves all the affairs of His Saints.

dIn dieAwl ikRpwl ikRpw iniD pUrn Ksm hmwry ] rhwau ]

aucwrx in`iD

dheen dhaeiaal kirapaal kirapaa nidhh pooran khasam hamaarae || rehaao ||

He is merciful to the meek, kind and compassionate, the ocean of kindness, my Perfect Lord and Master. ||Pause||

Awau bYTu Awdru sB QweI aUn n kqhUµ bwqw ]

aao baith aadhar sabh thhaaee oon n kathehoon baathaa ||

I am asked to come and be seated, everywhere I go, and I lack nothing.

Bgiq isrpwau dIE jn Apuny pRqwpu nwnk pRB jwqw ]2]30]94]

aucwrx isr-pwau

bhagath sirapaao dheeou jan apunae prathaap naanak prabh jaathaa ||2||30||94||

The Lord blesses His humble devotee with robes of honor; O Nanak, the Glory of God is manifest. ||2||30||94||