iblwvlu goNf ]
bilaaval gonadd ||
Bilaaval Gond:
Awju nwmy bITlu dyiKAw mUrK ko smJwaU ry ] rhwau ]
aaj naamae beethal dhaekhiaa moorakh ko samajhaaoo rae || rehaao ||
Today, Naam Dayv saw the Lord, and so I will instruct the ignorant. ||Pause||
pWfy qumrI gwieqRI loDy kw Kyqu KwqI QI ]
paanddae thumaree gaaeithree lodhhae kaa khaeth khaathee thhee ||
O Pandit, O religious scholar, your Gayatri was grazing in the fields.
lY kir Tygw tgrI qorI lWgq lWgq jwqI QI ]1]
aucwrx tgrI: polw bolo
lai kar thaegaa ttagaree thoree laangath laangath jaathee thhee ||1||
Taking a stick, the farmer broke its leg, and now it walks with a limp. ||1||
pWfy qumrw mhwdyau Dauly bld ciVAw Awvqu dyiKAw Qw ]
paanddae thumaraa mehaadhaeo dhhoulae baladh charriaa aavath dhaekhiaa thhaa ||
O Pandit, I saw your great god Shiva, riding along on a white bull.
modI ky Gr Kwxw pwkw vw kw lVkw mwirAw Qw ]2]
aucwrx vw kw: v`Krw krky
modhee kae ghar khaanaa paakaa vaa kaa larrakaa maariaa thhaa ||2||
In the merchant's house, a banquet was prepared for him - he killed the merchant's son. ||2||
pWfy qumrw rwmcµdu so BI Awvqu dyiKAw Qw ]
paanddae thumaraa raamachandh so bhee aavath dhaekhiaa thhaa ||
O Pandit, I saw your Raam Chand coming too
rwvn syqI srbr hoeI Gr kI joie gvweI QI ]3]
aucwrx sr-br
raavan saethee sarabar hoee ghar kee joe gavaaee thhee ||3||
; he lost his wife, fighting a war against Raawan. ||3||
ihMdU AMn@w qurkU kwxw ]
hindhoo annhaa thurakoo kaanaa ||
The Hindu is sightless; the Muslim has only one eye.
duhW qy igAwnI isAwxw ]
dhuhaan thae giaanee siaanaa ||
The spiritual teacher is wiser than both of them.
ihMdU pUjY dyhurw muslmwxu msIq ]
hindhoo poojai dhaehuraa musalamaan maseeth ||
The Hindu worships at the temple, the Muslim at the mosque.
nwmy soeI syivAw jh dyhurw n msIiq ]4]3]7]
naamae soee saeviaa jeh dhaehuraa n maseeth ||4||3||7||
Naam Dayv serves that Lord, who is not limited to either the temple or the mosque. ||4||3||7||