Bhai Gurdas JiAng 12Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 128 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

4: gur is`K Aprs hY

Gurmukh is a detached one

hau iqsu Goil GumwieAw gurmiq irdY grIbI AwvY ]

hau tisu gholi ghoumaaiaa guramati ridai gareebee aavai.

I love him deeply who cultivates humility through Gurmat, the wisdom of Guru.

hau iqsu Goil GumwieAw pr nwrI dy nyiV n jwvY ]

hau tisu gholi ghoumaaiaa par naaree day nayrhi n jaavai.

I love him deeply who does not go near another’s wife.

hau iqsu Goil GumwieAw prdrbY no hQu n lwvY ]

hau tisu gholi ghoumaaiaa par darabai no hadu n laavai.

I love him deeply who touches not the other’s wealth.

hau iqsu Goil GumwieAw pr inMdw suix Awpu htwvY ]

hau tisu gholi ghoumaaiaa par nidaa souni aapu hataavai.

I love him deeply who becoming indifferent to the backbiting of others detatches himself.

hau iqsu Goil GumwieAw siqgur dw aupdys kmwvY ]

hau tisu gholi ghoumaaiaa satigur daa oupadaysu kamaavai.

I love him deeply who listening to the teaching of the true Guru practices it in actual life.

hau iqsu Goil GumwieAw QoVw svY QoVw hI KwvY ]

hau tisu gholi ghoumaaiaa dorhaa savai dorhay hee khaavai.

I love him deeply who sleeps little and eats little.

gurmuiK soeI shij smwvY ]4]

guramoukhi soee sahaji samaavai ||4||

Such a gurmukh absorbs himself in the equipoise.