Bhai Gurdas JiAng 1Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 19 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

22: vwihgurU jI dw inAwauN

Justice of Waheguru,God

cwry jwgy chu jugI pMcwiexu pRBu Awpy hoAw ]

chaaray jaagay chahu jougee panchaainu prabhu aapay hoaa.

God himself is the justice for the disputes about the duties of the four Ages.

Awpy ptI klim Awip Awpy ilKixhwrw hoAw ]

aapay patee kalami aapi aapay likhanihaaraa hoaa.

He himself id the paper, the pen and the scribe.

bwJu gurU AMDyru hY Kih Kih mrdy bhu ibiD loAw ]

baajhu guroo andhayru hai khahi khahi maraday bahu bidhi loaa.

Without Guru is all darkness and people are killing one another.

vriqAw pwpu jgqR qy Daul aufIxw inisidn roAw ]

varatiaa paapu jagatri tay dhaulu udeenaa nisidini roaa.

The sin pervades all around and the (mythological) ox supporting the earth is weeping and wailing day and night.

bwJu dieAw blhIx hoie inGr cly rswqil toAw ]

baajhu daiaa balaheen hou nigharu chalau rasaatali toaa.

Without compassion, getting unnerved, it is descending towards nether world to get lost.

KVw iekqy pYr qy pwpw sMig bhu Bwrw hoAw ]

kharhaa ikatay pairi tay paap sangi bahu bhaaraa hoaa.

Standing on one foot, it is feeling the load of sins.

QMmy koie n swDu ibnu swDu n idsY jig ivic koAw ]

danmay koi n saadhu bin saadhu n disai jagi vich koaa.

Now this earth cannot be upheld without the saints and no saint is available in the world.

Drm Daul pukwry qlY KVoAw ]22]

dharam dhaulu poukaarai talai kharhoaa ||22||

Religion in the form of ox is crying beneath.