Bhai Gurdas JiAng 1Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 19 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

21: ihMdU muslmwn dw twkrw

Clash between Hindu and Muslim

cwir vrn cwir mjhbw jg ivic ihMdU muslmwxy ]

chaari varani chaari majahabaan jagi vichi hindoo mousalamaanay.

There are four castes of Hindus and four sects of Muslims in the world.

KudI bKIil qkbrI iKMcoqwx kryin iD|wxy ]

khudee bakheeli takabaree khinchotaani karayni dhiaanay.

The members of both religions are selfish, jealous proud, bigoted and violent.

gMg bnwris ihMdUAW mkw kwbw muslmwxy ]

gang banaarasi hindooaan makaa kaabaa mousalamaanay.

The Hindus make pilgrimage to Hardvar and Banaras, the Muslim to the Kaba of Mecca.

suMniq muslmwx dI iqlk jM\U ihMdU loBwxy ]

sounnati mousalamaan dee tilak joon hindoo lobhaanay.

Circumcision is dear to the Muslims, sandal mark (tilak) and sacred thread to the Hindus.

rwm rhIm khwiedy ieku nwmu duie rwh Bulwxy ]

raam raheem kahaaiday iku naamu dui raah bhulaanay.

The Hindus invoke Ram, the Muslims, Rahim, but in reality there is only One God.

byd kqyb BulwiekY mohy lwlc dunI sYqwxy ]

bayd katayb bhulaai kai mohay laalach dounee saitaanay.

Since they have forgotten the Vedas and the Katebas, worldly greed and devil have led them astray.

scu iknwry rih gieAw Kih mrdy bwhmx maulwxy ]

sachu kinaaray rahi giaa khahi maraday baamhani maulaanay.

Truth hidden from both; the brahmins and maulvis kill one another by their animosities.

isro n imty Awvx jwxy ]21]

siro n mitay aavani jaanay ||21||

Neither sect shall find liberation from transmigration.