Awsw mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw
aasaa mehalaa 1 ||
Aasaa, First Mehl:
mnu rwqau hir nwie scu vKwixAw ]
aucwrx rwqau: Bwrw krky bolo
man raatho har naae sach vakhaaniaa ||
One whose mind is attuned to the Lord's Name speaks the truth.
lokw dw ikAw jwie jw quDu BwixAw ]1]
lokaa dhaa kiaa jaae jaa thudhh bhaaniaa ||1||
What would the people lose, if I became pleasing to You, O Lord? ||1||
jau lgu jIau prwx scu iDAweIAY ]
jo lag jeeo paraan sach dhhiaaeeai ||
As long as there is the breath of life, meditate on the True Lord.
lwhw hir gux gwie imlY suKu pweIAY ]1] rhwau ]
laahaa har gun gaae milai sukh paaeeai ||1|| rehaao ||
You shall receive the profit of singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and find peace. ||1||Pause||
scI qyrI kwr dyih dieAwl qUµ ]
sachee thaeree kaar dhaehi dhaeiaal thoon ||
True is Your Service; bless me with it, O Merciful Lord.
hau jIvw quDu swlwih mY tyk ADwru qUµ ]2]
ho jeevaa thudhh saalaahi mai ttaek adhhaar thoon ||2||
I live by praising You; You are my Anchor and Support. ||2||
dir syvku drvwnu drdu qUµ jwxhI ]
dhar saevak dharavaan dharadh thoon jaanehee ||
I am Your servant, the gate-keeper at Your Gate; You alone know my pain.
Bgiq qyrI hYrwnu drdu gvwvhI ]3]
bhagath thaeree hairaan dharadh gavaavehee ||3||
How wonderful is Your devotional worship! It removes all pains. ||3||
drgh nwmu hdUir gurmuiK jwxsI ]
dharageh naam hadhoor guramukh jaanasee ||
The Gurmukhs know that by chanting the Naam, they shall dwell in His Court, in His Presence.
vylw scu prvwxu sbdu pCwxsI ]4]
vaelaa sach paravaan sabadh pashhaanasee ||4||
True and acceptable is that time, when one recognizes the Word of the Shabad. ||4||
squ sµqoKu kir Bwau qosw hir nwmu syie ]
sath santhokh kar bhaao thosaa har naam saee ||
Those who practice Truth, contentment and love, obtain the supplies of the Lord's Name.
mnhu Coif ivkwr scw scu dyie ]5]
manahu shhodd vikaar sachaa sach dhaee ||5||
So banish corruption from your mind, and the True One will grant you Truth. ||5||
scy scw nyhu scY lwieAw ]
sachae sachaa naehu sachai laaeiaa ||
The True Lord inspires true love in the truthful.
Awpy kry inAwau jo iqsu BwieAw ]6]
aapae karae niaao jo this bhaaeiaa ||6||
He Himself administers justice, as it pleases His Will. ||6||
scy scI dwiq dyih dieAwlu hY ]
sachae sachee dhaath dhaehi dhaeiaal hai ||
True is the gift of the True, Compassionate Lord.
iqsu syvI idnu rwiq nwmu Amolu hY ]7]
this saevee dhin raath naam amol hai ||7||
Day and night, I serve the One whose Name is priceless. ||7||
qUµ auqmu hau nIcu syvku kWFIAw ]
thoon outham ho neech saevak kaandteeaa ||
You are so sublime, and I am so lowly, but I am called Your slave.
nwnk ndir kryhu imlY scu vWFIAw ]8]21]
naanak nadhar karaehu milai sach vaandteeaa ||8||21||
Please, shower Nanak with Your Glance of Grace, that he, the separated one, may merge with You again, O Lord. ||8||21||