Awsw mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw
aasaa mehalaa 1 ||
Aasaa, First Mehl:
kyqw AwKxu AwKIAY qw ky AMq n jwxw ]
kaethaa aakhan aakheeai thaa kae anth n jaanaa ||
No matter how much one may describe the Lord, His limits still cannot be known.
mY inDirAw Dr eyk qUµ mY qwxu sqwxw ]1]
aucwrx in-DirAw: 'D' dI ApnI Avwj
mai nidhhariaa dhhar eaek thoon mai thaan sathaanaa ||1||
I am without any support; You, O Lord, are my only Support; You are my almighty power. ||1||
nwnk kI Ardwis hY sc nwim suhylw ]
naanak kee aradhaas hai sach naam suhaelaa ||
This is Nanak's prayer, that he may be adorned with the True Name.
Awpu gieAw soJI peI gur sbdI mylw ]1] rhwau ]
aap gaeiaa sojhee pee gur sabadhee maelaa ||1|| rehaao ||
When self-conceit is eradicated, and understanding is obtained, one meets the Lord, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||1||Pause||
haumY grbu gvweIAY pweIAY vIcwru ]
houmai garab gavaaeeai paaeeai veechaar ||
Abandoning egotism and pride, one obtains contemplative understanding.
swihb isau mnu mwinAw dy swcu ADwru ]2]
saahib sio man maaniaa dhae saach adhhaar ||2||
When the mind surrenders to the Lord Master, He bestows the support of the Truth. ||2||
Aihinis nwim sµqoKIAw syvw scu sweI ]
aucwrx sweI: ibMdI rihq bolo
ahinis naam santhokheeaa saevaa sach saaee ||
Day and night, remain content with the Naam, the Name of the Lord; that is the true service.
qw kau ibGnu n lwgeI cwlY hukim rjweI ]3]
aucwrx rjweI: polw bolo
thaa ko bighan n laagee chaalai hukam rajaaee ||3||
No misfortune troubles one who follows the Command of the Lord's Will. ||3||
hukim rjweI jo clY so pvY KjwnY ]
aucwrx rjweI: polw bolo; c`lY
hukam rajaaee jo chalai so pavai khajaanai ||
One who follows the Command of the Lord's Will is taken into the Lord's Treasury.
Koty Tvr n pwienI rly jUTwnY ]4]
aucwrx rly: polw bolo
khottae thavar n paaeinee ralae joothaanai ||4||
The counterfeit find no place there; they are mixed with the false ones. ||4||
inq inq Krw smwlIAY scu saudw pweIAY ]
aucwrx saudw: ibMdI rihq bolo (ASuD: sauNdw)
nith nith kharaa samaaleeai sach soudhaa paaeeai ||
Forever and ever, the genuine coins are treasured; with them, the true merchandise is purchased.
Koty ndir n AwvnI ly Agin jlweIAY ]5]
aucwrx jlweIAY: polw bolo
khottae nadhar n aavanee lae agan jalaaeeai ||5||
The false ones are not seen in the Lord's Treasury; they are seized and cast into the fire again. ||5||
ijnI Awqmu cIinAw prmwqmu soeI ]
jinee aatham cheeniaa paramaatham soee ||
Those who understand their own souls, are themselves the Supreme Soul.
eyko AMimRq ibrKu hY Plu AMimRqu hoeI ]6]
eaeko anmrith birakh hai fal anmrith hoee ||6||
The One Lord is the tree of ambrosial nectar, which bears the ambrosial fruit. ||6||
AMimRq Plu ijnI cwiKAw sic rhy AGweI ]
aucwrx AGweI: 'g'-'G' dI sWJI Avwj
anmrith fal jinee chaakhiaa sach rehae aghaaee ||
Those who taste the ambrosial fruit remain satisfied with Truth.
iqMnw Brmu n Bydu hY hir rsn rsweI ]7]
thinnaa bharam n bhaedh hai har rasan rasaaee ||7||
They have no doubt or sense of separation - their tongues taste the divine taste. ||7||
hukim sµjogI AwieAw clu sdw rjweI ]
aucwrx rjweI: polw bolo
hukam sanjogee aaeiaa chal sadhaa rajaaee ||
By His Command, and through your past actions, you came into the world; walk forever according to His Will.
AaugixAwry kau guxu nwnkY scu imlY vfweI ]8]20]
aouganiaarae ko gun naanakai sach milai vaddaaee ||8||20||
Please, grant virtue to Nanak, the virtueless one; bless him with the glorious greatness of the Truth. ||8||20||