Awsw mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw
aasaa mehalaa 5 ||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
swic nwim myrw mnu lwgw ]
saach naam maeraa man laagaa ||
My mind is attached to the True Name.
logn isau myrw TwTw bwgw ]1]
logan sio maeraa thaathaa baagaa ||1||
My dealings with other people are only superficial. ||1||
bwhir sUqu sgl isau maulw ]
baahar sooth sagal sio moulaa ||
Outwardly, I am on good terms with all;
Ailpqu rhau jYsy jl mih kaulw ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx A-ilpqu
alipath reho jaisae jal mehi koulaa ||1|| rehaao ||
But I remain detached, like the lotus upon the water. ||1||Pause||
muK kI bwq sgl isau krqw ]
mukh kee baath sagal sio karathaa ||
By word of mouth, I talk with everyone;
jIA sµig pRBu Apunw Drqw ]2]
jeea sang prabh apunaa dhharathaa ||2||
But I keep God clasped to my heart. ||2||
dIis Awvq hY bhuqu BIhwlw ]
dhees aavath hai bahuth bheehaalaa ||
I may appear utterly terrible,
sgl crn kI iehu mnu rwlw ]3]
sagal charan kee eihu man raalaa ||3||
But my mind is the dust of all men's feet.
nwnk jin guru pUrw pwieAw ]
naanak jan gur pooraa paaeiaa ||
Servant Nanak has found the Perfect Guru.
AMqir bwhir eyku idKwieAw ]4]3]54]
anthar baahar eaek dhikhaaeiaa ||4||3||54||
Inwardly and outwardly, He has shown me the One Lord. ||4||3||54||