Awsw mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw
aasaa mehalaa 5 ||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
dUKu Gno jb hoqy dUir ]
dhookh ghano jab hothae dhoor ||
I suffered in pain, when I thought He was far away;
Ab msliq moih imlI hdUir ]1]
aucwrx ms-liq
ab masalath mohi milee hadhoor ||1||
But now, He is Ever-present, and I receive His instructions. ||1||
cukw inhorw sKI shyrI ]
aucwrx cu`kw
chukaa nihoraa sakhee sehaeree ||
My pride is gone, O friends and companions;
Brmu gieAw guir ipr sµig myrI ]1] rhwau ]
bharam gaeiaa gur pir sang maeree ||1|| rehaao ||
My doubt is dispelled, and the Guru has united me with my Beloved. ||1||Pause||
inkit Awin ipRA syj DrI ]
nikatt aan pria saej dhharee ||
My Beloved has drawn me near to Him, and seated me on His Bed;
kwix kFn qy CUit prI ]2]
kaan kadtan thae shhoott paree ||2||
I have escaped the clutches of others. ||2||
mMdir myrY sbid aujwrw ]
mandhar maerai sabadh oujaaraa ||
In the mansion of my heart, shines the Light of the Shabad.
And ibnodI Ksmu hmwrw ]3]
anadh binodhee khasam hamaaraa ||3||
My Husband Lord is blissful and playful. ||3||
msqik Bwgu mY ipru Gir AwieAw ]
masathak bhaag mai pir ghar aaeiaa ||
According to the destiny written upon my forehead, my Husband Lord has come home to me.
iQru sohwgu nwnk jn pwieAw ]4]2]53]
thhir sohaag naanak jan paaeiaa ||4||2||53||
Servant Nanak has obtained the eternal marriage. ||4||2||53||