Bhai Gurdas JiAng 12Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 127 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

10: ieMdR qy bRhmw

Indr and Brahma

vfI Awrjw ieMdR dI ieMdR purI ivc rwju kmwvY ]

vadee aarajaa indr dee indr puree vichi raaju kamaavai.

Indr has a long age; he ruled indrpuri.

caudh ieMdR ivxwsukwil bRhmy dw ieku idvsu ivhwvY ]

chaudah indr vinaasu kaali brahamay daa iku divasu vihaavai.

When fourteen Indrs are finished, the one day of Brahma passes I.e. in one day of Brahma fourteen Indrs rule.

DMDy hI bRhmw mrY loms dw ieku rom iCjwvY ]

dhandhay hee brahamaa marai lomas daa iku rom chhijaavai.

With the fall of one hair of Lomas Rishi, one Brahma is known to end his life (one can very well guess that like innumerable hair Brahmas are also many).

sys mhys vKwxIAin icrMjIv hoie sWiq n AwvY ]

says mahays vakhaaneeani chiranjeev hoi saanti n aavai.

Sesanag and Mahesa are also supposed to be living eternally but none has attained peace.

jog Bog jp qp Gxy lok vyd ismrxu n suhwvY ]

jog bhog jap tap ghanay lok vayd simaranu n suhaavai.

God does not like the hypocrisy of yoga, hedonism, recitation, asceticism, common customary acts etc.

Awpu gxwey n shij smwvY ]10]

aapu ganaaay n sahaji samaavai ||10||

He who keeps his ego with him cannot merge in equipoise.