Bhai Gurdas JiAng 12Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 128 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

11: nwrdwidk irKI

Rishi Narad and others

nwrdu munI AKwiedw Awgmu jwix n DIrju AwxY ]

naaradu mounee akhaaidaa agamu jaani n dheeraju aanai.

Even being adept in the Vedas and Shastras Narad, the sage, had no forbearance.

suix suix msliq mjlsY kir kir cuglI AwiK vKwxY ]

souni souni masalati majalasai kari kari chougalee aakhi vakhaanai.

He would listen to the conversations of one assembly and would talk about it in the other.

bwl buiD snkwidkw bwl suBwie nivrqI hwxY ]

baal budhi sanakaadikaa baal soubhaau naviratee haanai.

Sanaks et al. also always reminded of the child wisdom and because of their restive nature they could never attain contentment and always suffered loss.

jwie bYkuMiT kroDu kir dyie srwpu jY ibjY iD|wxY ]

jaai baikountdi karodhu kari dayi saraapu jaii bijai dhiaanai.

They went to heaven and happened to curse Jay and Vijay, the door-keepers. Ultimately they had to repent.

AhMmyau sukdyau kr grB vwis haumY hYrwxY ]

ahanmayu soukadayu kari garabh vaasi haoumai hairaanai.

Because of his ego Sukadev also suffered for a long time (twelve years) in the womb of his mother.

cMdu sUrju AaulMg BrY audY Asq ivic Awvx jwxY ]

chandu sooraj aulag bharai udai asat vichi aavan jaanai.

Sun and moon also full of blemishes, indulge in the cycle of rising and setting.

isv skqI ivic grbu gumwxY ]11]

siv sakatee vichi garabu goumaanai ||11||

Engrossed in maya they are all afflicted by ego.