gUjrI Gru 1 ]
aucwrx gUjrI Gru pihlw
goojaree ghar 1 ||
Goojaree, First House:
mlY n lwCY pwr mlo prmlIE bYTo rI AweI ]
aucwrx mlY: polw bolo; mlo: polw bolo; prm-lIE
malai n laashhai paar malo paramaleeou baitho ree aaee ||
He does not have even a trace of impurity - He is beyond impurity. He is fragrantly scented - He has come to take His Seat in my mind.
Awvq iknY n pyiKE kvnY jwxY rI bweI ]1]
aavath kinai n paekhiou kavanai jaanai ree baaee ||1||
No one saw Him come - who can know Him, O Siblings of Destiny? ||1||
kauxu khY ikix bUJIAY rmeIAw Awkulu rI bweI ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx bU`JIAY; r-meIAw; Awkulu: polw bolo (ASuD: Aw-kulu)
koun kehai kin boojheeai rameeaa aakul ree baaee ||1|| rehaao ||
Who can describe Him? Who can understand Him? The all-pervading Lord has no ancestors, O Siblings of Destiny. ||1||Pause||
ijau AwkwsY pMKIAlo Koju inriKE n jweI ]
aucwrx inr-iKE
jio aakaasai pankheealo khoj nirakhiou n jaaee ||
As the path of a bird's flight across the sky cannot be seen,
ijau jl mwJY mwClo mwrgu pyKxo n jweI ]2]
jio jal maajhai maashhalo maarag paekhano n jaaee ||2||
And the path of a fish through the water cannot be seen;||2||
ijau AwkwsY GVUAlo imRg iqRsnw BirAw ]
jio aakaasai gharrooalo mrig thrisanaa bhariaa ||
As the mirage leads one to mistake the sky for a pitcher filled with water
nwmy cy suAwmI bITlo ijin qInY jirAw ]3]2]
naamae chae suaamee beethalo jin theenai jariaa ||3||2||
- so is God, the Lord and Master of Naam Dayv, who fits these three comparisons. ||3||2||