Awsw mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw
aasaa mehalaa 5 ||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
jau mY Apunw siqguru iDAwieAw ]
jo mai apunaa sathigur dhhiaaeiaa ||
When I meditate on my True Guru,
qb myrY min mhw suKu pwieAw ]1]
thab maerai man mehaa sukh paaeiaa ||1||
My mind becomes supremely peaceful. ||1||
imit geI gxq ibnwisau sMsw ]
mitt gee ganath binaasio sansaa ||
The record of my account is erased, and my doubts are dispelled.
nwim rqy jn Bey Bgvµqw ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx r`qy
naam rathae jan bheae bhagavanthaa ||1|| rehaao ||
Imbued with the Naam, the Name of the Lord, His humble servant is blessed with good fortune. ||1||Pause||
jau mY Apunw swihbu cIiq ]
jo mai apunaa saahib cheeth ||
When I remember my Lord and Master,
qau Bau imitE myry mIq ]2]
tho bho mittiou maerae meeth ||2||
My fears are dispelled, O my friend. ||2||
jau mY Et ghI pRB qyrI ]
jo mai outt gehee prabh thaeree ||
When I took to Your Protection, O God,
qW pUrn hoeI mnsw myrI ]3]
thaan pooran hoee manasaa maeree ||3||
My desires were fulfilled. ||3||
dyiK cilq min Bey idlwsw ]
aucwrx cilq: polw bolo
dhaekh chalith man bheae dhilaasaa ||
Gazing upon the wonder of Your play, my mind has become encouraged.
nwnk dws qyrw Brvwsw ]4]29]80]
naanak dhaas thaeraa bharavaasaa ||4||29||80||
Servant Nanak relies on You alone. ||4||29||80||