SGGSAng 1144Raag BhaironMahalla 519 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

BYrau mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw

bhairo mehalaa 5 ||

Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

sB qy aUc jw kw drbwru ]

sabh thae ooch jaa kaa dharabaar ||

His Regal Court is the highest of all.

sdw sdw qw kau johwru ]

sadhaa sadhaa thaa ko johaar ||

I humbly bow to Him, forever and ever.

aUcy qy aUcw jw kw Qwn ]

oochae thae oochaa jaa kaa thhaan ||

His place is the highest of the high.

koit AGw imtih hir nwm ]1]

kott aghaa mittehi har naam ||1||

Millions of sins are erased by the Name of the Lord. ||1||

iqsu srxweI sdw suKu hoie ]

this saranaaee sadhaa sukh hoe ||

In His Sanctuary, we find eternal peace.

kir ikrpw jw kau mylY soie ]1] rhwau ]

kar kirapaa jaa ko maelai soe ||1|| rehaao ||

He Mercifully unites us with Himself. ||1||Pause||

jw ky krqb lKy n jwih ]

aucwrx kr-qb

jaa kae karathab lakhae n jaahi ||

His wondrous actions cannot even be described.

jw kw Brvwsw sB Gt mwih ]

jaa kaa bharavaasaa sabh ghatt maahi ||

All hearts rest their faith and hope in Him.

pRgt BieAw swDU kY sµig ]

pragatt bhaeiaa saadhhoo kai sang ||

He is manifest in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

Bgq ArwDih Anidnu rµig ]2]

bhagath araadhhehi anadhin rang ||2||

The devotees lovingly worship and adore Him night and day. ||2||

dydy qoit nhI Bµfwr ]

dhaedhae thott nehee bhanddaar ||

He gives, but His treasures are never exhausted.

iKn mih Qwip auQwpnhwr ]

khin mehi thhaap outhhaapanehaar ||

In an instant, He establishes and disestablishes.

jw kw hukmu n mytY koie ]

jaa kaa hukam n maettai koe ||

No one can erase the Hukam of His Command.

isir pwiqswhw swcw soie ]3]

sir paathisaahaa saachaa soe ||3||

The True Lord is above the heads of kings. ||3||

ijskI Et iqsY kI Awsw ]

jis kee outt thisai kee aasaa ||

He is my Anchor and Support; I place my hopes in Him.

duKu suKu hmrw iqshI pwsw ]

dhukh sukh hamaraa this hee paasaa ||

I place my pain and pleasure before Him.

rwiK lIno sBu jn kw pVdw ]

aucwrx pVdw: polw bolo

raakh leeno sabh jan kaa parradhaa ||

He covers the faults of His humble servant.

nwnku iqs kI ausqiq krdw ]4]19]32]

naanak this kee ousathath karadhaa ||4||19||32||

Nanak sings His Praises. ||4||19||32||