Bhai Gurdas JiAng 29Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 298 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

15: AslI Xog swD sMg

Gursikh a yogi ,

gurisK jogI jwgdy mwieAw AMdir krin audwsI ]

gurasikh jogee jaagaday maaiaa andari karani udaasee.

Yogi Sikhs of the Guru are ever awake and remain detached amidst maya.

kMnI muMdrW mMqR gur sMqW DUiV ibBUq su lwsI ]

kanneen moundaraan mantr gur santaan dhoorhi bibhoot su laasee.

Gurumantr for them is the earring and the dust of the feet of saints is ashes for them.

iKMQw iKmW hMFwvxI pRym pqR Bwau Bugiq iblwsI ]

khindaa khimaa handdhaavanee praym patr bhaau bhougati bilaasee.

Forgiveness is their patched blanket, love their begging bowl and devotion is their trumpet (sitig),

sbd suriq isM|I vjY fMfw igAwnu iDAwnu gurdwsI ]

sabad surati sinee vajai dandaa giaanu dhiaanu gur daasee.

Knowledge is their staff, and obedience to the Guru is their meditation.

swDsMgiq gur guPY bih shij smwiD AgwiD invwsI ]

saadhasangati gur gudhai bahi sahaji samaadhi agaadhi nivaasee.

Sitting in the cave in the form of holy congregation, they reside in unfathomable equipoise.

haumY rog Arog hoie kir sMjog ivjog KlwsI ]

haoumai rog arog hoi kari sanjogu vijog khalaasee.

Getting cured of the ailment of ego, they are liberated from the bonds of comings and goings (birth and death).

swDsMgiq gurmiq swbwsI ]15]

saadhasangati guramati saabaasee ||15||

Holy congregation is applauded because of the wisdom of the Guru that resides in it.