BYrau mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw
bhairo mehalaa 5 ||
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:
vrq n rhau n mh rmdwnw ]
varath n reho n meh ramadhaanaa ||
I do not keep fasts, nor do I observe the month of Ramadaan.
iqsu syvI jo rKY indwnw ]1]
this saevee jo rakhai nidhaanaa ||1||
I serve only the One, who will protect me in the end. ||1||
eyku gusweI Alhu myrw ]
aucwrx A`lhu
eaek gusaaee alahu maeraa ||
The One Lord, the Lord of the World, is my God Allah.
ihMdU qurk duhW nybyrw ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx duhw: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: dohw, dUhw)
hindhoo thurak dhuhaan naebaeraa ||1|| rehaao ||
He adminsters justice to both Hindus and Muslims. ||1||Pause||
hj kwbY jwau n qIrQ pUjw ]
aucwrx hj: polw bolo
haj kaabai jaao n theerathh poojaa ||
I do not make pilgrimages to Mecca, nor do I worship at Hindu sacred shrines.
eyko syvI Avru n dUjw ]2]
eaeko saevee avar n dhoojaa ||2||
I serve the One Lord, and not any other. ||2||
pUjw krau n invwj gujwrau ]
poojaa karo n nivaaj gujaaro ||
I do not perform Hindu worship services, nor do I offer the Muslim prayers.
eyk inrµkwr ly irdY nmskwrau ]3]
eaek nirankaar lae ridhai namasakaaro ||3||
I have taken the One Formless Lord into my heart; I humbly worship Him there. ||3||
nw hm ihMdU n muslmwn ]
naa ham hindhoo n musalamaan ||
I am not a Hindu, nor am I a Muslim.
Alh rwm ky ipMfu prwn ]4]
aucwrx A`lh
aleh raam kae pindd paraan ||4||
My body and breath of life belong to Allah - to Raam - the God of both. ||4||
khu kbIr iehu kIAw vKwnw ]
kahu kabeer eihu keeaa vakhaanaa ||
Says Kabeer, this is what I say:
gur pIr imil Kuid Ksmu pCwnw ]5]3]
gur peer mil khudh khasam pashhaanaa ||5||3||
Meeting with the Guru, my Spiritual Teacher, I realize God, my Lord and Master. ||5||3||