Awsw mhlw 5 Gru 15 pVqwl
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw Gru pMdrvw pV-qwl
aasaa mehalaa 5 ghar 15 parrathaala
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl, Fifteenth House, Partaal:
<> siqgur pRswid ]
aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr
ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
ibkwr mwieAw mwid soieE sUJ bUJ n AwvY ]
aucwrx bU`J
bikaar maaeiaa maadh soeiou soojh boojh n aavai ||
He sleeps, intoxicated by corruption and Maya; he does not come to realize or understand.
pkir kys jim auTwirE qd hI Gir jwvY ]1]
pakar kaes jam outhaariou thadh hee ghar jaavai ||1||
Seizing him by the hair, the Messenger of Death pulls him up; then, he comes to his senses. ||1||
loB ibiKAw ibKY lwgy ihir ivq icq duKwhI ]
lobh bikhiaa bikhai laagae hir vith chith dhukhaahee ||
Those who are attached to the poison of greed and sin grab at the wealth of others; they only bring pain on themselves.
iKn Bµgunw kY mwin mwqy Asur jwxih nwhI ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx mwqy: Bwrw krky bolo; A-sur
khin bhangunaa kai maan maathae asur jaanehi naahee ||1|| rehaao ||
They are intoxicated by their pride in those things which shall be destroyed in an instant; those demons do not understand. ||1||Pause||
byd swsqR jn pukwrih sunY nwhI forw ]
baedh saasathr jan pukaarehi sunai naahee ddoraa ||
The Vedas, the Shaastras and the holy men proclaim it, but the deaf do not hear it.
inpit bwjI hwir mUkw pCuqwieE min Borw ]2]
nipatt baajee haar mookaa pashhuthaaeiou man bhoraa ||2||
When the game of life is over, and he has lost, and he breathes his last, then the fool regrets and repents in his mind. ||2||
fwnu sgl gYr vjih BirAw dIvwn lyKY n pirAw ]
ddaan sagal gair vajehi bhariaa dheevaan laekhai n pariaa ||
He paid the fine, but it is in vain - in the Court of the Lord, his account is not credited.
jyNh kwrij rhY El@w soie kwmu n kirAw ]3]
jaeneh kaaraj rehai oulhaa soe kaam n kariaa ||3||
Those deeds which would have covered him - those deeds, he has not done. ||3||
AYso jgu moih guir idKwieE qau eyk kIriq gwieAw ]
aiso jag mohi gur dhikhaaeiou tho eaek keerath gaaeiaa ||
The Guru has shown me the world to be thus; I sing the Kirtan of the Praises of the One Lord.
mwnu qwnu qij isAwnp srix nwnku AwieAw ]4]1]152]
maan thaan thaj siaanap saran naanak aaeiaa ||4||1||152||
Renouncing his pride in strength and cleverness, Nanak has come to the Lord's Sanctuary. ||4||1||152||