mwrU mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pMjvw
maaroo mehalaa 5 ||
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:
myrw Twkuru Aiq Bwrw ]
aucwrx Aiq: polw bolo
maeraa thaakur ath bhaaraa ||
My Lord and Master is utterly powerful.
moih syvku bycwrw ]1]
mohi saevak baechaaraa ||1||
I am just His poor servant. ||1||
mohnu lwlu myrw pRIqm mn pRwnw ]
mohan laal maeraa preetham man praanaa ||
My Enticing Beloved is very dear to my mind and my breath of life.
mokau dyhu dwnw ]1] rhwau ]
mo ko dhaehu dhaanaa ||1|| rehaao ||
He blesses me with His gift. ||1||Pause||
sgly mY dyKy joeI ]
sagalae mai dhaekhae joee ||
I have seen and tested all.
bIjau Avru n koeI ]2]
beejo avar n koee ||2||
There is none other than Him. ||2||
jIAn pRiqpwil smwhY ]
aucwrx pRiq-pwil: 'pR' ishwrI rihq bolo
jeean prathipaal samaahai ||
He sustains and nurtures all beings.
hY hosI Awhy ]3]
hai hosee aahae ||3||
He was, and shall always be. ||3||
dieAw moih kIjY dyvw ]
dhaeiaa mohi keejai dhaevaa ||
Please bless me with Your Mercy, O Divine Lord,
nwnk lwgo syvw ]4]5]21]
naanak laago saevaa ||4||5||21||
And link Nanak to Your service. ||4||5||21||