SGGSAng 1005Raag MaruMahalla 511 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

mwrU mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pMjvw

maaroo mehalaa 5 ||

Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:

piqq auDwrn qwrn bil bil bly bil jweIAY ]

pathith oudhhaaran thaaran bal bal balae bal jaaeeai ||

The Redeemer of sinners, who carries us across; I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice to Him.

AYsw koeI BytY sMqu ijqu hir hry hir iDAweIAY ]1]

aisaa koee bhaettai santh jith har harae har dhhiaaeeai ||1||

If only I could meet with such a Saint, who would inspire me to meditate on the Lord, Har, Har, Har. ||1||

mokau koie n jwnq khIAq dwsu qumwrw ]

mo ko koe n jaanath keheeath dhaas thumaaraa ||

No one knows me; I am called Your slave.

eyhw Et AwDwrw ]1] rhwau ]

eaehaa outt aadhhaaraa ||1|| rehaao ||

This is my support and sustenance. ||1||Pause||

srb Dwrn pRiqpwrn iek ibnau dInw ]

aucwrx pRiq-pwrn: 'pR' ishwrI rihq bolo

sarab dhhaaran prathipaaran eik bino dheenaa ||

You support and cherish all; I am meek and humble - this is my only prayer.

qumrI ibiD qum hI jwnhu qum jl hm mInw ]2]

thumaree bidhh thum hee jaanahu thum jal ham meenaa ||2||

You alone know Your Way; You are the water, and I am the fish. ||2||

pUrn ibsQIrn suAwmI Awih AwieE pwCY ]

aucwrx ibs-QIrn

pooran bisathheeran suaamee aahi aaeiou paashhai ||

O Perfect and Expansive Lord and Master, I follow You in love.

sglo BU mMfl KMfl pRB qum hI AwCY ]3]

sagalo bhoo manddal khanddal prabh thum hee aashhai ||3||

O God, You are pervading all the worlds, solar systems and galaxies. ||3||

Atl AKieE dyvw mohn AlK Apwrw ]

aucwrx A-tl; A-KieE; Al`K

attal akhaeiou dhaevaa mohan alakh apaaraa ||

You are eternal and unchanging, imperishable, invisible and infinite, O divine fascinating Lord.

dwnu pwvau sMqw sMgu nwnk rynu dwswrw ]4]6]22]

dhaan paavo santhaa sang naanak raen dhaasaaraa ||4||6||22||

Please bless Nanak with the gift of the Society of the Saints, and the dust of the feet of Your slaves. ||4||6||22||