SGGSAng 1242Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 46 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


nwie mMinAY durmiq geI miq prgtI AwieAw ]

aucwrx m`iq

naae manniai dhuramath gee math paragattee aaeiaa ||

With faith in the Name, evil-mindedness is eradicated, and the intellect is enlightened.

nwau mMinAY haumY geI siB rog gvwieAw ]

naao manniai houmai gee sabh rog gavaaeiaa ||

With faith in the Name, egotism is eradicated, and all sickness is cured.

nwie mMinAY nwmu aUpjY shjy suKu pwieAw ]

naae manniai naam oopajai sehajae sukh paaeiaa ||

Believing in the Name, The Name wells up, and intuitive peace and poise are obtained.

nwie mMinAY sWiq aUpjY hir mMin vswieAw ]

naae manniai saanth oopajai har mann vasaaeiaa ||

Believing in the Name, tranquility and peace well up, and the Lord is enshrined in the mind.

nwnk nwmu rqµnu hY gurmuiK hir iDAwieAw ]11]

naanak naam rathann hai guramukh har dhhiaaeiaa ||11||

O Nanak, the Name is a jewel; the Gurmukh meditates on the Lord. ||11||