soriT mhlw 4 Gru 1
aucwrx soriT mh`lw cauQw Gru pihlw
sorath mehalaa 4 ghar 1
Sorat'h, Fourth Mehl, First House:
<> siqgur pRswid ]
aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr
ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Awpy Awip vrqdw ipAwrw Awpy Awip Apwhu ]
aapae aap varathadhaa piaaraa aapae aap apaahu ||
My Beloved Lord Himself pervades and permeates all; He Himself is, all by Himself.
vxjwrw jgu Awip hY ipAwrw Awpy swcw swhu ]
vanajaaraa jag aap hai piaaraa aapae saachaa saahu ||
My Beloved Himself is the trader in this world; He Himself is the true banker.
Awpy vxju vwpwrIAw ipAwrw Awpy scu vyswhu ]1]
aapae vanaj vaapaareeaa piaaraa aapae sach vaesaahu ||1||
My Beloved Himself is the trade and the trader; He Himself is the true credit. ||1||
jip mn hir hir nwmu slwh ]
jap man har har naam salaah ||
O mind, meditate on the Lord, Har, Har, and praise His Name.
gur ikrpw qy pweIAY ipAwrw AMimRqu Agm AQwh ] rhwau ]
gur kirapaa thae paaeeai piaaraa anmrith agam athhaah || rehaao ||
By Guru's Grace, the Beloved, Ambrosial, unapproachable and unfathomable Lord is obtained. ||Pause||
Awpy suix sB vyKdw ipAwrw muiK boly Awip muhwhu ]
aapae sun sabh vaekhadhaa piaaraa mukh bolae aap muhaahu ||
The Beloved Himself sees and hears everything; He Himself speaks through the mouths of all beings.
Awpy auJiV pwiedw ipAwrw Awip ivKwly rwhu ]
aapae oujharr paaeidhaa piaaraa aap vikhaalae raahu ||
The Beloved Himself leads us into the wilderness, and He Himself shows us the Way.
Awpy hI sBu Awip hY ipAwrw Awpy vyprvwhu ]2]
aapae hee sabh aap hai piaaraa aapae vaeparavaahu ||2||
The Beloved Himself is Himself all-in-all; He Himself is carefree. ||2||
Awpy Awip aupwiedw ipAwrw isir Awpy DMDVY lwhu ]
aapae aap oupaaeidhaa piaaraa sir aapae dhhandhharrai laahu ||
The Beloved Himself, all by Himself, created everything; He Himself links all to their tasks.
Awip krwey swKqI ipAwrw Awip mwry mir jwhu ]
aap karaaeae saakhathee piaaraa aap maarae mar jaahu ||
The Beloved Himself creates the Creation, and He Himself destroys it.
Awpy pqxu pwqxI ipAwrw Awpy pwir lµGwhu ]3]
aucwrx p`qxu
aapae pathan paathanee piaaraa aapae paar langhaahu ||3||
He Himself is the wharf, and He Himself is the ferryman, who ferries us across. ||3||
Awpy swgru boihQw ipAwrw guru Kyvtu Awip clwhu ]
aapae saagar bohithhaa piaaraa gur khaevatt aap chalaahu ||
The Beloved Himself is the ocean, and the boat; He Himself is the Guru, the boatman who steers it
Awpy hI ciV lµGdw ipAwrw kir coj vyKY pwiqswhu ]
aapae hee charr langhadhaa piaaraa kar choj vaekhai paathisaahu ||
. The Beloved Himself sets sail and crosses over; He, the King, beholds His wondrous play.
Awpy Awip dieAwlu hY ipAwrw jn nwnk bKis imlwhu ]4]1]
aapae aap dhaeiaal hai piaaraa jan naanak bakhas milaahu ||4||1||
The Beloved Himself is the Merciful Master; O servant Nanak, He forgives and blends with Himself. ||4||1||