SGGSAng 604Raag SorathMahalla 415 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

soriT mhlw 4 cauQw ]

aucwrx soriT mh`lw cauQw cauQw

sorath mehalaa 4 chouthhaa ||

Sorat'h, Fourth Mehl:

Awpy AMfj jyrj syqj auqBuj Awpy KMf Awpy sB loie ]

aapae anddaj jaeraj saethaj outhabhuj aapae khandd aapae sabh loe ||

He Himself is born of the egg, from the womb, from sweat and from the earth; He Himself is the continents and all the worlds.

Awpy sUqu Awpy bhu mxIAw kir skqI jgqu proie ]

aapae sooth aapae bahu maneeaa kar sakathee jagath paroe ||

He Himself is the thread, and He Himself is the many beads; through His Almighty Power, He has strung the worlds.

Awpy hI sUqDwru hY ipAwrw sUqu iKMcy Fih FyrI hoie ]1]

aapae hee soothadhhaar hai piaaraa sooth khinchae dtehi dtaeree hoe ||1||

He holds the thread, and when He withdraws the thread, the beads scatter into heaps. ||1||

myry mn mY hir ibnu Avru n koie ]

maerae man mai har bin avar n koe ||

O my mind, there is no other than the Lord for me.

siqgur ivic nwmu inDwnu hY ipAwrw kir dieAw AMimRqu muiK coie ] rhwau ]

sathigur vich naam nidhhaan hai piaaraa kar dhaeiaa anmrith mukh choe || rehaao ||

The treasure of the Beloved Naam is within the True Guru; in His Mercy, he pours the Ambrosial Nectar into my mouth. ||Pause||

Awpy jl Qil sBqu hY ipAwrw pRBu Awpy kry su hoie ]

aucwrx s`Bqu: 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj

aapae jal thhal sabhath hai piaaraa prabh aapae karae s hoe ||

The Beloved Himself is in all the oceans and lands; whatever God does, comes to pass.

sBnw irjku smwhdw ipAwrw dUjw Avru n koie ]

sabhanaa rijak samaahadhaa piaaraa dhoojaa avar n koe ||

The Beloved brings nourishment to all; there is no other than Him.

Awpy Kyl Kylwiedw ipAwrw Awpy kry su hoie ]2]

aapae khael khaelaaeidhaa piaaraa aapae karae s hoe ||2||

The Beloved Himself plays, and whatever He Himself does, comes to pass. ||2||

Awpy hI Awip inrmlw ipAwrw Awpy inrml soie ]

aapae hee aap niramalaa piaaraa aapae niramal soe ||

The Beloved Himself, all by Himself, is immaculate and pure; He Himself is immaculate and pure.

Awpy kImiq pwiedw ipAwrw Awpy kry su hoie ]

aapae keemath paaeidhaa piaaraa aapae karae s hoe ||

The Beloved Himself determines the value of all; whatever He does comes to pass.

Awpy AlKu n lKIAY ipAwrw Awip lKwvY soie ]3]

aucwrx Al`Ku

aapae alakh n lakheeai piaaraa aap lakhaavai soe ||3||

The Beloved Himself is unseen - He cannot be seen; He Himself causes us to see. ||3||

Awpy gihr gMBIru hY ipAwrw iqsu jyvfu Avru n koie ]

aapae gehir ganbheer hai piaaraa this jaevadd avar n koe ||

The Beloved Himself is deep and profound and unfathomable; there is no other as great as He.

siB Gt Awpy BogvY ipAwrw ivic nwrI purK sBu soie ]

sabh ghatt aapae bhogavai piaaraa vich naaree purakh sabh soe ||

The Beloved Himself enjoys every heart; He is contained within every woman and man.

nwnk gupqu vrqdw ipAwrw gurmuiK prgtu hoie ]4]2]

naanak gupath varathadhaa piaaraa guramukh paragatt hoe ||4||2||

O Nanak, the Beloved is pervading everywhere, but He is hidden; through the Guru, He is revealed. ||4||2||