Bhai Gurdas JiAng 29Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 298 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

17: mn ijq Awp ijq swD sMg

The world is conquered only by conquering the mind , ,

pwrbRhmu pUrn bRhmu Awid purKu hY siqgur soeI ]

paarabraham pooran braham aadi purakh hai satiguru soee.

Transcendental Brahm is the perfect Brahm; He is the primal cosmic spirit (purakh) and the true Guru.

jog iDAwnu hYrwnu hoie vyd igAwn prvwh n hoeI ]

jog dhiaan hairaanu hoi vayd giaan paravaah n hoee.

Yogis became awestruck in meditation for He does not care for knowledge of the Vedas.

dyvI dyv sryvdy jl Ql mhIAl BvdI loeI ]

dayvee dayv sarayvaday jal dal maheeal bhavaday loee.

Adoring the gods and goddesses, people go on roaming (in different lives) in water on earth and in the sky.

hom jg jp qp Gxy kir kir krm Drm duK roeI ]

hom jag jap tap ghanay kari kari karam dharam doukh roee.

They perform many burnt offerings, oblations and ascetic disciplines and still weep while performing the so-called ritualistic activities (because their sufferings are not removed).

vis n AwvY Dwvdw ATu KMif pwKMf ivgoeI ]

vasi n aavai dhaanvadaa atdu khandi paakhand vigoee.

Ever-running mind does not come under control and the mind has spoiled all the eight divisions of life (four varnas and four ashrams).

gurmuiK mnu ijix jgu ijxY Awpu gvwie Awpy sB koeI ]

guramoukhi manu jini jagu jinai aapu gavaai aapay sabh koee.

The gurmukhs after conquering the mind have won the whole world and losing their ego, they have seen themselves in one and all.

swDsMgiq gux hwru proeI ]17]

saadhasangati goun haaru paroee ||17||

The gurmukhs have prepared the garland of virtues in the holy congregation.