Bhai Gurdas JiAng 29Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 298 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

18: gurU mlwh swD sMg

Guru, the boat man and association with the saints ,

AlK inrMjnu AwKIAY rUp n ryK AlyK Apwrw ]

alakh niranjanu aakheeai roop n raykh alaykh apaaraa.

The imperceptible and blemishless Lord is said to be beyond all the forms and writs.

Aibgiq giq Aibgiq GxI ismrix syK n AwvY vwrw ]

abigati gati abigati ghanee simarani saykh n aavai vaaraa.

The nature of that unmanifest Lord is also deeply unmanifest, and in spite of continuous recitations by Sesanffg His mystery could not be understood.

AkQ kQw ikauN jwxIAY koie n AwiK suxwvxhwrw ]

akad kadaa kiu jaaneeai koi n aakhi sounaavanahaaraa.

How can His ineffable story be known because none is there to tell it.

Acrju no Awcrju hoie ivsmwdY ivsmwdu sumwrw ]

acharaju no aacharaju hoi visamaadai visamaadu soumaaraa.

Thinking about Him, the wonder also feels itself full of wonder and the awe also becomes awe struck.

cwir vrn guru isK hoie Gr bwrI bhu vxj vpwrw ]

chaari varan guru sikh hoi ghar baaree bahu vanaj vapaaraa.

Becoming the Sikh of the Guru the people of all the four varnas leading the household life,

swDsMgiq AwrwiDAw Bgiq vClu guru rUpu murwrw ]

saadhasangati aaraadhiaa bhagati vachhalu guru roopu muraaraa.

Have undertaken to perform various types of business and trade.

Bv swgru guir swgr qwrw ]18]

bhav saagaru guri saagar taaraa ||18||

In the holy congregations, they adore the Guru-God, affectionate towards the devotees, and the Guru gets them go across the world-ocean.