SGGSAng 620Raag SorathMahalla 57 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

soriT mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx soriT mh`lw pMjvw

sorath mehalaa 5 ||

Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl:

durqu gvwieAw hir pRiB Awpy sBu sMswru aubwirAw ]

dhurath gavaaeiaa har prabh aapae sabh sansaar oubaariaa ||

The Lord God Himself has rid the whole world of its sins, and saved it.

pwrbRhim pRiB ikrpw DwrI Apxw ibrdu smwirAw ]1]

aucwrx pwr-bRhim: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

paarabreham prabh kirapaa dhhaaree apanaa biradh samaariaa ||1||

The Supreme Lord God extended His mercy, and confirmed His innate nature. ||1||

hoeI rwjyrwm kI rKvwlI ]

hoee raajae raam kee rakhavaalee ||

I have attained the Protective Sanctuary of the Lord, my King.

sUK shj Awnd gux gwvhu mnu qnu dyh suKwlI ] rhwau ]

sookh sehaj aanadh gun gaavahu man than dhaeh sukhaalee || rehaao ||

In celestial peace and ecstasy, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and my mind, body and being are at peace. ||Pause||

piqq auDwrxu siqguru myrw moih iqs kw Brvwsw ]

pathith oudhhaaran sathigur maeraa mohi this kaa bharavaasaa ||

My True Guru is the Savior of sinners; I have placed my trust and faith in Him.

bKis ley siB scY swihib suix nwnk kI Ardwsw ]2]17]45]

bakhas leae sabh sachai saahib sun naanak kee aradhaasaa ||2||17||45||

The True Lord has heard Nanak's prayer, and He has forgiven everything. ||2||17||45||