mwrU mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pMjvw
maaroo mehalaa 5 ||
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:
qij Awpu ibnsI qwpu ryx swDU QIau ]
thaj aap binasee thaap raen saadhhoo thheeo ||
Renounce your self-conceit, and the fever shall depart; become the dust of the feet of the Holy.
iqsih prwpiq nwmu qyrw kir ikRpw ijsu dIau ]1]
thisehi paraapath naam thaeraa kar kirapaa jis dheeo ||1||
He alone receives Your Name, Lord, whom You bless with Your Mercy. ||1||
myry mn nwmu AMimRqu pIau ]
maerae man naam anmrith peeo ||
O my mind, drink in the Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
Awn swd ibswir hoCy Amru jugu jugu jIau ]1] rhwau ]
aan saadh bisaar hoshhae amar jug jug jeeo ||1|| rehaao ||
Abandon other bland, insipid tastes; become immortal, and live throughout the ages. ||1||Pause||
nwmu iek rs rMg nwmw nwim lwgI lIau ]
naam eik ras rang naamaa naam laagee leeo ||
Savor the essence of the One and only Naam; love the Naam, focus and attune yourself to the Naam.
mIqu swjnu sKw bµDpu hir eyku nwnk kIau ]2]5]28]
meeth saajan sakhaa bandhhap har eaek naanak keeo ||2||5||28||
Nanak has made the One Lord his only friend, companion and relative. ||2||5||28||