SGGSAng 1008Raag MaruMahalla 97 linesGuru Tegh Bahadur Ji

mwrU mhlw 9 ]

aucwrx mwrU mh`lw nwvw

maaroo mehalaa 9 ||

Maaroo, Ninth Mehl:

Ab mY khw krau rI mweI ]

ab mai kehaa karo ree maaee ||

What should I do now, O mother?

sgl jnmu ibiKAn isau KoieAw ismirE nwih kn@weI ]1] rhwau ]

sagal janam bikhian sio khoeiaa simariou naahi kanhaaee ||1|| rehaao ||

I have wasted my whole life in sin and corruption; I never remembered the Lord. ||1||Pause||

kwl Pws jb gr mY mylI iqh suiD sB ibsrweI ]

kaal faas jab gar mehi maelee thih sudhh sabh bisaraaee ||

When Death places the noose around my neck, then I lose all my senses.

rwm nwm ibnu Xw sµkt mY ko Ab hoq shweI ]1]

aucwrx Xw: 'X' dI ApnI Avwj

raam naam bin yaa sankatt mehi ko ab hoth sehaaee ||1||

Now, in this disaster, other than the Name of the Lord, who will be my help and support? ||1||

jo sµpiq ApnI kir mwnI iCn mo BeI prweI ]

jo sanpath apanee kar maanee shhin mehi bhee paraaee ||

That wealth, which he believes to be his own, in an instant, belongs to another.

khu nwnk Xh soc rhI min hir jsu kbhU n gweI ]2]2]

aucwrx Xh: 'X' dI ApnI Avwj

kahu naanak yeh soch rehee man har jas kabehoo n gaaee ||2||2||

Says Nanak, this still really bothers my mind - I never sang the Praises of the Lord. ||2||2||