SGGSAng 1008Raag MaruMahalla 97 linesGuru Tegh Bahadur Ji

mwrU mhlw 9 ]

aucwrx mwrU mh`lw nwvw

maaroo mehalaa 9 ||

Maaroo, Ninth Mehl:

mweI mY mn ko mwnu n iqAwigE ]

maaee mai man ko maan n thiaagiou ||

O my mother, I have not renounced the pride of my mind.

mwieAw ky mid jnmu isrwieE rwm Bjn nhI lwigE ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx Bjn: polw bolo

maaeiaa kae madh janam siraaeiou raam bhajan nehee laagiou ||1|| rehaao ||

I have wasted my life intoxicated with Maya; I have not focused myself in meditation on the Lord. ||1||Pause||

jm ko fMfu pirE isr aUpir qb sovq qY jwigE ]

jam ko ddandd pariou sir oopar thab sovath thai jaagiou ||

When Death's club falls on my head, then I will be wakened from my sleep.

khw hoq Ab kY pCuqwey CUtq nwhin BwigE ]1]

kehaa hoth ab kai pashhuthaaeae shhoottath naahin bhaagiou ||1||

But what good will it do to repent at that time? I cannot escape by running away. ||1||

ieh icMqw aupjI Gt mY jb gur crnn AnurwigE ]

eih chinthaa oupajee ghatt mehi jab gur charanan anuraagiou ||

When this anxiety arises in the heart, then, one comes to love the Guru's feet.

suPlu jnmu nwnk qb hUAw jo pRB js mY pwigE ]2]3]

aucwrx suPlu: polw bolo (ASuD: su-Pl); pwigE: polw bolo

sufal janam naanak thab hooaa jo prabh jas mehi paagiou ||2||3||

My life becomes fruitful, O Nanak, only when I am absorbed in the Praises of God. ||2||3||