Awsw mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw
aasaa mehalaa 5 ||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
sMqw kI hoie dwsrI eyhu Acwrw isKu rI ]
santhaa kee hoe dhaasaree eaehu achaaraa sikh ree ||
Become the servant of the Saints, and learn this way of life.
sgl guxw gux aUqmo Brqw dUir n ipKu rI ]1]
sagal gunaa gun oothamo bharathaa dhoor n pikh ree ||1||
Of all virtues, the most sublime virtue is to see your Husband Lord near at hand. ||1||
iehu mnu suµdir Awpxw hir nwim mjITY rµig rI ]
eihu man sundhar aapanaa har naam majeethai rang ree ||
So, dye this mind of yours with the color of the Lord's Love.
iqAwig isAwxp cwqurI qUµ jwxu gupwlih sµig rI ]1] rhwau ]
thiaag siaanap chaathuree thoon jaan gupaalehi sang ree ||1|| rehaao ||
Renounce cleverness and cunning, and know that the Sustainer of the world is with you. ||1||Pause||
Brqw khY su mwnIAY eyhu sIgwru bxwie rI ]
bharathaa kehai s maaneeai eaehu seegaar banaae ree ||
Whatever your Husband Lord says, accept that, and make it your decoration.
dUjw Bwau ivswrIAY eyhu qµbolw Kwie rI ]2]
dhoojaa bhaao visaareeai eaehu thanbolaa khaae ree ||2||
Forget the love of duality, and chew upon this betel leaf. ||2||
gur kw sbdu kir dIpko ieh sq kI syj ibCwie rI ]
gur kaa sabadh kar dheepako eih sath kee saej bishhaae ree ||
Make the Word of the Guru's Shabad your lamp, and let your bed be Truth.
AwT phr kr joiV rhu qau BytY hir rwie rI ]3]
aath pehar kar jorr rahu tho bhaettai har raae ree ||3||
Twenty-four hours a day, stand with your palms pressed together, and the Lord, your King, shall meet you. ||3||
iqshI cju sIgwru sBu sweI rUip Apwir rI ]
aucwrx c`ju; sweI: ibMdI rihq bolo
this hee chaj seegaar sabh saaee roop apaar ree ||
She alone is cultured and embellished, and she alone is of incomparable beauty.
sweI suohwgix nwnkw jo BwxI krqwir rI ]4]16]118]
aucwrx sweI: ibMdI rihq bolo; souhwgix: suhwgix bolo
saaee suohaagan naanakaa jo bhaanee karathaar ree ||4||16||118||
She alone is the happy soul-bride, O Nanak, who is pleasing to the Creator Lord. ||4||16||118||