SGGSAng 98Raag MajhMahalla 513 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

mwJ mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx mwJ mh`lw pMjvw

maajh mehalaa 5 ||

Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

duKu qdy jw ivsir jwvY ]

dhukh thadhae jaa visar jaavai ||

They forget the Lord, and they suffer in pain.

BuK ivAwpY bhu ibiD DwvY ]

bhukh viaapai bahu bidhh dhhaavai ||

Afflicted with hunger, they run around in all directions.

ismrq nwmu sdw suhylw ijsu dyvY dIn dieAwlw jIau ]1]

simarath naam sadhaa suhaelaa jis dhaevai dheen dhaeiaalaa jeeo ||1||

Meditating in remembrance on the Naam, they are happy forever. The Lord, Merciful to the meek, bestows it upon them. ||1||

siqguru myrw vf smrQw ]

sathigur maeraa vadd samarathhaa ||

My True Guru is absolutely All-powerful.

jIie smwlI qw sBu duKu lQw ]

jeee samaalee thaa sabh dhukh lathhaa ||

When I dwell upon Him in my soul, all my sorrows depart.

icMqw rogu geI hau pIVw Awip kry pRiqpwlw jIau ]2]

chinthaa rog gee ho peerraa aap karae prathipaalaa jeeo ||2||

The sickness of anxiety and the disease of ego are cured; He Himself cherishes me. ||2||

bwirk vWgI hau sB ikCu mMgw ]

baarik vaangee ho sabh kishh mangaa ||

Like a child, I ask for everything.

dydy qoit nwhI pRB rMgw ]

aucwrx dydy: iek`Tw bolo

dhaedhae thott naahee prabh rangaa ||

God is Bountiful and Beautiful; He never comes up empty.

pYrI pY pY bhuqu mnweI dIn dieAwl gopwlw jIau ]3]

pairee pai pai bahuth manaaee dheen dhaeiaal gopaalaa jeeo ||3||

Again and again, I fall at His Feet. He is Merciful to the meek, the Sustainer of the World. ||3||

hau bilhwrI siqgur pUry ]

ho balihaaree sathigur poorae ||

I am a sacrifice to the Perfect True Guru,

ijin bµDn kwty sgly myry ]

jin bandhhan kaattae sagalae maerae ||

Who has shattered all my bonds.

ihrdY nwmu dy inrml kIey nwnk rµig rswlw jIau ]4]8]15]

hiradhai naam dhae niramal keeeae naanak rang rasaalaa jeeo ||4||8||15||

With the Naam, the Name of the Lord, in my heart, I have been purified. O Nanak, His Love has imbued me with nectar. ||4||8||15||