mwJ mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx mwJ mh`lw pMjvw
maajh mehalaa 5 ||
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:
kihAw krxw idqw lYxw ]
kehiaa karanaa dhithaa lainaa ||
As You command, I obey; as You give, I receive.
grIbw AnwQw qyrw mwxw ]
gareebaa anaathhaa thaeraa maanaa ||
You are the Pride of the meek and the poor.
sB ikCu qUµhY qUµhY myry ipAwry qyrI kudriq kau bil jweI jIau ]1]
sabh kishh thoonhai thoonhai maerae piaarae thaeree kudharath ko bal jaaee jeeo ||1||
You are everything; You are my Beloved. I am a sacrifice to Your Creative Power. ||1||
BwxY auJV BwxY rwhw ]
bhaanai oujharr bhaanai raahaa ||
By Your Will, we wander in the wilderness; by Your Will, we find the path.
BwxY hir gux gurmuiK gwvwhw ]
bhaanai har gun guramukh gaavaahaa ||
By Your Will, we become Gurmukh and sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.
BwxY Brim BvY bhu jUnI sB ikCu iqsY rjweI jIau ]2]
aucwrx rjweI: polw bolo
bhaanai bharam bhavai bahu joonee sabh kishh thisai rajaaee jeeo ||2||
By Your Will, we wander in doubt through countless lifetimes. Everything happens by Your Will. ||2||
nw ko mUrKu nw ko isAwxw ]
naa ko moorakh naa ko siaanaa ||
No one is foolish, and no one is clever.
vrqY sB ikCu qyrw Bwxw ]
varathai sabh kishh thaeraa bhaanaa ||
Your Will determines everything;
Agm Agocr byAMq AQwhw qyrI kImiq khxu n jweI jIau ]3]
agam agochar baeanth athhaahaa thaeree keemath kehan n jaaee jeeo ||3||
You are Inaccessible, Incomprehensible, Infinite and Unfathomable. Your Value cannot be expressed. ||3||
Kwku sMqn kI dyhu ipAwry ]
khaak santhan kee dhaehu piaarae ||
Please bless me with the dust of the Saints, O my Beloved.
Awie pieAw hir qyrY duAwrY ]
aae paeiaa har thaerai dhuaarai ||
I have come and fallen at Your Door, O Lord.
drsnu pyKq mnu AwGwvY nwnk imlxu suBweI jIau ]4]7]14]
aucwrx suBweI: 'B' nUµ 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj
dharasan paekhath man aaghaavai naanak milan subhaaee jeeo ||4||7||14||
Gazing upon the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, my mind is fulfilled. O Nanak, with natural ease, I merge into Him. ||4||7||14||