Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1RubaaiyaaRubaaiyaa85 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji



4-Line Verses

hr ks iz SOik qU kdm Az sr sw^q

har kas z shaauak thoo kadham az sar saakhatha

Everyone, with his zeal for you, started to walk on his head,

br nhu qbk cri^ Alm sr A&rw^q

bar nahu thabak charakh alam sar afaraakhatha

And, he was able to pitch his flag over the nine skies,

Sud AwmdnS mubwirk r&qn hm

shudh aamadhanash mubaarik rafathan hama

Blessed is his coming to this world, and equally blessed is his departure,

goXw AW ks ik rwih h`k rw ibSnw^q ] 1 ]

goyaa aan kas k raahi hak raa bishanaakhath || 1 ||

Goyaa says, The one who has perceived the Lord. (1)

kUr Asq hr AW dIdw ik h`k rw nBSnw^q

koor asath har aan dheedhaa k hak raa nabhashanaakhatha

Every such eye that did not recognize (the existence) of Akaalpurakh, can be considered as blind,

eIN aumir igrW mwXw b-Z&lq drbw^q

een oumar giraan maayaa ba-ghafalath dharabaakhatha

He wasted this precious life in negligence and carelessness,

aU igrIAW kunW Awmd b-hsrq murd

oo gireeaan kunaan aamadh ba-hasarath muradha

He came (to this world) crying and passed away taking all his yearnings and unfulfilled hopes with him,

A&sos drIN Awmd Sud kwry nBsw^q ] 2 ]

afasos dhareen aamadh shudh kaarae nabhasaakhath || 2 ||

Alas! He was unable to better his disposition in this cycle of birth and death. (2)

eIN cSim qU ^wnw dwir jwnwnsq

een chasham thoo khaanaa dhaar jaanaanasatha

This eye of yours is the abode of the Beloved virtuous friend,

eIN q^iq vjUid msnid sulqwnsq

een thakhath vajoodh masanadh sulathaanasatha

Your personality is the seat of His royal throne,

hr bUAlhvsy bsUie aU rwh n burd

har booalehavasae basooe oo raah n buradha

Anyone immersed in greed and lust cannot reach the powerful Almighty,

ik eIN rwh qA`lik mMzil mrdwnsq ] 3 ]

k een raah thaalak manzal maradhaanasath || 3 ||

Because this path is meant for the brave and the valiant devotees of Waaheguru. (3)

hr idl ik brwih rwsq jwnW Sudw Asq

har dhil k baraahi raasath jaanaan shudhaa asatha

Every such heart and mind that spontaneously (by acquiring the virtues of) became the divine Beloved,

qihkIk ibdW ik AYin jwnW Sudw Asq

thehikeek bidhaan k ain jaanaan shudhaa asatha

Rest assured! That he became the embodiment of Akaalpurakh Himself,

X`k z`rw iz &Yiz rihmqS ^wlI nIsq

yak zaraa z faiz rehimathash khaalee neesatha

Not even a particle of dust is then without his benevolence and blessing,

n`kws drUin nkS ipnhW Sudw Asq ] 4 ]

nakaas dharoon nakash pinehaan shudhaa asath || 4 ||

And, the Sculptor-Painter is camouflaging Himself behind His colors. (4)

eIN Awmdo r&q juz dmy byS nbUd

een aamadho rafath juz dhamae baesh naboodh

This coming and departing in this world is no more than a moment,

hr jw ik nzr kunym juz ^yS nbUd

har jaa k nazar kunaem juz khaesh naboodha

Wherever we run our vision and see around, we see only our own images,

mW jwinib ZYr cUM Ningwh ibkunym

maan jaanib ghair choon anigaah bikunaema

How can we ever dare to look towards anyone else?

cUM ZYr qU hIc ksy pso pyS nbUd ] 5 ]

choon ghair thoo heech kasae paso paesh naboodh || 5 ||

Because, there is no one else (except Waaheguru) in the front or rear who is supporting us. (5)

hr bMdw kU qwilib mOlw bwSd

har bandhaa koo thaalib maaualaa baashadha

Every such person who is a seeker of the Divinity,

dr hr do jhW ruqbw-AMS aUlw bwSd

dhar har dho jehaan ruthabaa-ansh oolaa baashadha

Has a highest rank and status in both the worlds;

goXw do jhW rw b-jOey ib-sqwnMd

goyaa dho jehaan raa ba-jaaueae bi-sathaanandha

Goyaa says, They can acquire both the worlds in exchange for just a grain of barley,

mjnUMin qU kY AwSik lYlw bwSd ] 6 ]

majanoonn thoo kai aashak lailaa baashadh || 6 ||

When and how would I, Your beloved (like Majnoo was) become Your lover (like Lailaa)? (6)

dr dihr ik mrdwin ^udw Awmdw AMd

dhar dhehir k maradhaan khudhaa aamadhaa andha

When men of God manifest themselves in this world,

br Zum-Sudgwin rihnumw Awmdw AMd

bar ghuma-shudhagaan rehinumaa aamadhaa andha

They come as leaders to put the strayed people on to the right path;

goXw Agr eIN cSim qU muSqwik ^udw Asq

goyaa agar ee chasham thoo mushathaak khudhaa asatha

Goyaa says, If your eye is desirous of the Almighty,

mrdwin ^udw ^udw-numw Awmdw AMd ] 7 ]

maradhaan khudhaa khudhaa-numaa aamadhaa andh || 7 ||

Then realize that the noble souls of God come to this earth only to reveal Him. (7)

dr mzhib mw ZYr-prsqI n kunMd

dhar mazehab maa ghaira-parasathee n kunandha

People of our faith do not worship anyone else (other than Akaalpurakh),

sr qw bkdm bhoS E msqI n kunMd

sar thaa bakadham behosh ou masathee n kunandha

They are always mindful and alert and never act or behave wantonly,

Zw&il nSvMd Xk dm Az Xwid ^udw

ghaafal nashavandh yak dham az yaadh khudhaa

They are not negligent of the remembrance of Waaheguru even for one moment/breath,

dIgr su^n Az bulMdo psqI n kunMd ] 8 ]

dheegar sukhan az bulandho pasathee n kunandh || 8 ||

Additionally, they do not get involved in topics relating to higher or lower classes of the society. (8)

X`k z`rw Agr SOik ielwhI bwSd

yak zaraa agar shaauak eilaahee baashadha

If one has even the slightest inkling of fondness for the Lord,

ibhqr ik hzwr bwdSwhI bwSd

bihathar k hazaar baadhashaahee baashadha

Then, that is far superior to thousands of kingdoms,

goXw-sq Zulwim murSid ^yS

goyaa-sath ghulaam murashadh khaesha

Goyaa says, I am the slave of my true Guru,

eIN ^q n muhqwij gvwhI bwSd ] 9 ]

een khath n muhathaaj gavaahee baashadh || 9 ||

And this written assertion does not need any witnesses. (9)

hr ks b-jhw nSvo numw mI ^whd

har kas ba-jehaa nashavo numaa mee khaahadha

Every human being in this world likes to progressively prosper and professionally advance,

Aspo Suqro &Ilo iqlw mI ^whd

asapo shutharo feelo thilaa mee khaahadha

He/She has strong desire to acquire horses, camels, elephants and gold;

hr ks iz brwie ^yS cIzy mI ^whd

har kas z baraae khaesh cheezae mee khaahadha

Every one always longs to have something or the other for himself;

goXw iz ^udw Xwid ^udw mI ^whd ] 10 ]

goyaa z khudhaa yaadh khudhaa mee khaahadh || 10 ||

However, Goyaa says, I always supplicate to the Lord to bless me only with His remembrance. (10)

pur gSqw iz sr qw b-kdm nUr-aul-nUr

pur gashathaa z sar thaa ba-kadham noora-oula-noora

Goyaa says that His Guru is satiated with radiance and splendor from head to feet;

AweInw ik dr vYn bvd hIc ksUr

aaeenaa k dhar vain bavadh heech kasoora

He is a mirror that has no cracks;

qihkIk ibdW iz Zwi&lW dUr bvd

thehikeek bidhaan z ghaafilaan dhoor bavadha

Rest assured: That he shuns away from the careless and the negligent;

aU dr idil Awir& krdw zhUr ] 11 ]

oo dhar dhil aarif karadhaa zehoor || 11 ||

And he manifests only in the hearts of holy and pious persons. (11)

eIN aumir igrW-mwXw ik brbwd Svd

een oumar giraana-maayaa k barabaadh shavadha

This priceless life that is wasted for nothing,

eIN ^wnwie vIrW b-ich Awbwd Svd

een khaanaae veeraan ba-chih aabaadh shavadha

And how can this desolate home be rehabilitated and settled?

qw murSid kwiml nidhd dsq bRhm

thaa murashadh kaamil nadhihadh dhasath brehama

Goyaa says, (This can happen) Only when a complete Guru stands by your side and helps; And this may be the only way that

goXw idil ZmgIn qU cUM Swd bvd ] 12 ]

goyaa dhil ghamageen thoo choon shaadh bavadh || 12 ||

My heart filled with worries and griefs can be elevated to elation? (12)

idil zwlim b-ksid kuSqin mw-sq

dhil zaalam ba-kasadh kushathan maa-satha

The fiendish has the intention to destroy us,

idil mzlUim mn bsUie ^udw sq

dhil mazaloom man basooe khudhaa satha

On the other hand, my vulnerable mind is expecting help and relief from the Almighty;

aU drIN i&kr qW bmw ich kund

oo dhareen fikar thaan bamaa chih kunadha

The brute is concerned as to what should He do with him?

mw drIN i&kr qw ^udw ich kund ] 13 ]

maa dhareen fikar thaa khudhaa chih kunadh || 13 ||

And, we are concerned as to how does the Almighty respond to our plea? (13)

dr hwisil aumr AW ich mw Xw&qw eym

dhar haasil oumar aan chih maa yaafathaa eaema

What did we gain from this priceless life?

dr hr do-jhW Xwid ^udw Xw&qw eym

dhar har dho-jehaan yaadh khudhaa yaafathaa eaema

We were able to achieve the remembrance of the Omnipotent in both the worlds;

eIN hsqIey ^ySqn blw bUd AzIm

een hasatheeeae khaeshathan balaa boodh azeema

This personality of ours was a huge monster,

Az ^yS guzSqym ^udw Xw&qw eym ] 14 ]

az khaesh guzashathaem khudhaa yaafathaa eaem || 14 ||

When we gave up our ego and vanity, we attained the Ultimate, the Lord. (14)

Az ^wik dir qU qUqIAw Xw&qweym

az khaak dhar thoo thootheeaa yaafathaaeaema

We obtained collyrium from the dust of Your door;

kz dOliq AW nSvo numw Xw&qweym

kaz dhaaualath aan nashavo numaa yaafathaaeaema

Because of which we gained the prosperity and progress;

mw isjdw br rUie ZYr dIgr nBkunym

maa sijadhaa bar rooe ghair dheegar nabhakunaema

We have never bowed before anyone other than You,

dr ^wnwie idl nkiS ^udw Xw&qweym ] 15 ]

dhar khaanaae dhil nakash khudhaa yaafathaaeaem || 15 ||

We have discovered the symptoms of the Omnipresent within the abode of our heart. (15)

goXw ^br Az Xwid ^udw Xw&qweym

goyaa khabar az yaadh khudhaa yaafathaaeaema

Goyaa says, I have been able to get the inkling about the kaalpurakh from His remembrance,

eIN jwim lbw-lb Az kujw Xw&qweym

een jaam labaa-lab az kujaa yaafathaaeaema

Otherwise, how could I have obtained this full-to-the-brim cup of devotion and affection?

juz qwilib h`k nsIib hr ks n bvd

juz thaalib hak naseeb har kas n bavadha

Except the seeker of Lord, no one else is destined to have

eIN dOliq nwXwb ik mw Xw&qweym ] 16 ]

een dhaaualath naayaab k maa yaafathaaeaem || 16 ||

This valuable treasure that I have had the good fortunate to obtain. (16)

goXw qw kY drIN srwey mwdUAm

goyaa thaa kai dhareen saraaeae maadhooama

Goyaa says, How long are you going to stay in this perishable world,

gwhy lwzm Svd v gwhy mlzUm

gaahae laazam shavadh v gaahae malazooma

That sometimes becomes so essential and other times so assigned?

qw kY cU sgW br ausq^W jMg kunym

thaa kai choo sagaan bar ousathakhaan jang kunaema

How long are we going to fight over bones like dogs ?

duinAw mwlUAm Aihil duinAw mwlUAm ] 17 ]

dhuniaa maalooam ahil dhuniaa maalooam || 17 ||

We all know about this world and these worldly people, (how selfish and merciless they are). (17)

goXw Agr AW jmwl dIdn dwrI

goyaa agar aan jamaal dheedhan dhaaree

Goyaa says, If you desire to see the splendor and glory of Waaheguru?

Az ^ud hvs mYil rmIdn dwrI

az khudh havas mail rameedhan dhaaree

If you are trying to shun away from the sin of your greed and lust and have the stomach for meidtation?

zIN dIdw mbIN ik hzwb sq qurw

zeen dheedhaa mabeen k hazaab sath thuraa

Then you should not see with these overt and ostensible eyes, because they are the obstacle for you;

by-dIdw ibbIN hr AW ich dIdn dwrI ] 18 ]

bae-dheedhaa bibeen har aan chih dheedhan dhaaree || 18 ||

In fact, you should try to introspect without your eyes whatever you want to see. (And you would be successful) (18)

mOjUd ^udwsq qU ikrw mI joeI

maauajoodh khudhaasath thoo kiraa mee joee

Akaalpurakh is Omnipresent. Then whom are you searching for?

mksUd ^udwsq qU kujw mI poeI

makasoodh khudhaasath thoo kujaa mee poee

A meeting with the Benevolent is the aim of our life; where are you straying?

eIN hr do jhW inSwin dOliq qusq

een har dho jehaan nishaan dhaaualath thusatha

Both these worlds are the symbols of your mastery and control;

XwAnI su^n Az zbwin h`k mI goeI ] 19 ]

yaaanee sukhan az zabaan hak mee goee || 19 ||

That is, you are speaking the word of God through your own tongue. (19)

mbr AY bwd ^wkm Az dir dUsq

mabar ai baadh khaakam az dhar dhoosatha

O wind! Do not blow away my dust from the door of my Beloved,

duSmnm srznS kund ik hr jweIsq ] 1 ]

dhushamanam sarazanash kunadh k har jaaeesath || 1 ||

Otherwise, the adversary will slander (the claim) that He happens to be everywhere. (1)

nIsq ZYr Az AW snm dr prdwie dYro hrm

neesath ghair az aan sanam dhar paradhaae dhairo harama

There is no one else other than the Waaheguru inside Kaabaa or the temple;

kY bvd AwiqiS do rMg Az ie^qlwi& sMg hw ] 2 ]

kai bavadh aathish dho rang az eikhathalaaf sang haa || 2 ||

How can the fire assume two different colors due to differences in the basic structure and make-up of stones? (2)

AwsmW isjdw kund pyiS zmIN ik br aU

aasamaan sijadhaa kunadh paesh zameen k bar oo

The sky is bowing before the earth,

X`k do n&s Az pYey izkir ^udw ibnSInMd ] 3 ]

yak dho nafas az paieae zikar khudhaa binasheenandh || 3 ||

Because of the fact, devotees of Akaalpurakh squat here for a moment or two in His meditation. (3)

bzyir swieAwie qUbw murwd hw XwbI

bazaer saaeiaae thoobaa muraadh haa yaabee

Under the shade of Kalap tree, one can have all his wishes fulfilled,

bzyr swieAw mrdwin h`k ^udw XwbI ] 4 ]

bazaer saaeiaa maradhaan hak khudhaa yaabee || 4 ||

However, under the shade (protection) of men of God, the saintly persons, one can attain God Himself. (4)