Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)16 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

idl AZr dwnw bvd AMdr iknwrS Xwr hsq

dhil aghar dhaanaa bavadh andhar kinaarash yaar hasatha

If our mind and heart were intelligent, then the Beloved is in their embrace, and,

cSm gr bInw bvd dr hr qr& dIdwr hsq ] 6 ] 1 ]

chasham gar beenaa bavadh dhar har tharaf dheedhaar hasath || 6 || 1 ||

if our eyes were able to appreciate all that they see, then, they will see glimpses and glimpses (of the Beloved) all over. (6) (1)

hr qrP dIdwr A`mw dIdwie bInw kujw hsq

har tharaf dheedhaar amaa dheedhaae beenaa kujaa hasatha

There are glimpses and glimpses (of the Beloved) all over, but where is the eye to appreciate them?

hr qrP qUr Asq hr sU SoAlwey Anvwr hsq ] 6 ] 2 ]

har tharaf thoor asath har soo shoalaaeae anavaar hasath || 6 || 2 ||

There is the Mount Sinai all over, and there are leaping flames of His glow and refulgence. (6) (2)

sr Agr dwrI ibrO sr rw ibinh br pwie aU

sar agar dhaaree biraau sar raa binih bar paae oo

If you have a head on your body, you should go to Him and place it on His lotus feet;

jW Agr dwrI inswirS kun Agr drkwr hsq ] 6 ] 3 ]

jaan agar dhaaree nisaarish kun agar dharakaar hasath || 6 || 3 ||

And, if you have life in you which you value very much, then sacrifice it for Him. (6) (3)

dsq Agr dwrI ibrO dwmwin jwnW rw bgIr

dhasath agar dhaaree biraau dhaamaan jaanaan raa bageera

If you have a hand, then grab and hold tight the corner of His robe.

sUey aUo mI rO Agr pw rw sir rPqwr hsq ] 6 ] 4 ]

sooeae ooo mee raau agar paa raa sar rafathaar hasath || 6 || 4 ||

If your feet are anxious (or have the strength) to walk, then start walking fast towards Him. (6) (4)

ZoS Agr Sunvw bvd jz nwim h`k ky ibSnvd

ghosh agar shunavaa bavadh jaz naam hak kae bishanavadha

If we have ears that have perfect hearing then they should not hear anything other than the Naam of Akaalpurakh.

vr zubW goXw bvd dr hr s^un Asrwr hsq ] 6 ] 5 ]

var zubaan goyaa bavadh dhar har sakhun asaraar hasath || 6 || 5 ||

If our tongue has the power to speak, then it should utter mystic expressions. (6) (5)

bRhmn muSqwik bu`q zwihd i&dwie ^wnkwh

brehaman mushathaak buth zaahidh fidhaae khaanakaaha

A Brahmin is a devotee of his idol and a Muslim of his shrine;

hr kujw jwim muh`bq dIdwAm srSwr hsq ] 6 ] 7 ]

har kujaa jaam muhabath dheedhaaam sarashaar hasath || 6 || 7 ||

I am enamored wherever I find an adorer-connoisseur of 'devotion'. (6) (6)

by-Adb pw rw minh mnsUr vS dr rwih ieSk

bae-adhab paa raa manih manasoor vash dhar raahi eishaka

Like Mansorr, do not step on the path of devotion with arrogance,

rwh riv eIN rwh rw Av`l kdm br dwr hsq ] 6 ] 6 ]

raah rav een raah raa aval kadham bar dhaar hasath || 6 || 6 ||

Otherwise, it is a path where there is a crucifix at the very first step.(6) (7)

hr ic dwrI dr bjwiq ^ud inswir Xwr kun

har ch dhaaree dhar bajaath khudh nisaar yaar kuna

Goya says, If your disposition is similar to mine of getting mollified by diamonds,

gr qurw mwinMid goXw qbwAwie gohr bwr hsq ] 6 ] 8 ]

gar thuraa maanindh goyaa, thabaaaae gohar baar hasath || 6 || 8 ||

Even then, you should willingly sacrifice all your assets for your Beloved. (6) (8)