Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)10 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

rih-rswin rwih h`k Awmd Adb

rehi-rasaan raahi hak aamadh adhaba

It is essential for the travellers on the path towards the Creator to have His remembrance in their hearts,

hm bidl Xwid ^udw v hm blb ] 5 ] 1 ]

ham badhil yaadh khudhaa v ham balab || 5 || 1 ||

And additionally, should have meditation of His Naam on their lips. (5) (1)

hr kujw dIdym Anvwir ^udw

har kujaa dheedhaem anavaar khudhaa

At every place, I observe the radiance and manifestation of the Providence

bsik Az suhbiq bzurgW Sud jzb ] 5 ] 2 ]

basak az suhabath bazuragaan shudh jazab || 5 || 2 ||

When I get absorbed in the company of noble souls (which confers on me the blessing of realization). (5) (2)

cSim-mw ZYr Az jmwlS vw nw Sud

chashami-maa ghair az jamaalash vaa naa shudha

Our (inside) eyes cannot be really opened without Akaalpurakh's elegance,

zW ik jumlw ^lk rw dIdym r`b ] 5 ] 3 ]

zaan k jumalaa khalak raa dheedhaem rab || 5 || 3 ||

Because we perceive His presence in the entire humanity. (5) (3)

^wik kdmS rOSnIie ijl kund

khaak kadhamash raauashaneee jil kunadha

The dust of their feet (humility) can enlighten our hearts, provided,

Zr qurwbw swilkwN bwSd nsb ] 5 ] 4 ]

ghar thuraabaa saalikaa baashadh nasab || 5 || 4 ||

we can establish a sound relationship with those noble souls who are treading this path (of deep devotion for the Master). (5) (4)

kIsq goXw ku mrwid idl n Xw&q

keesath goyaa k maraadh dhil n yaafatha

Bhai Sahib (Goyaa) is posing the question: Who is that person

hr ksy bw nPis ^ud krdw jzb ] 5 ] 5 ]

har kasae baa nafas khudh karadhaa jazab || 5 || 5 ||

whose inner desires have not been fulfilled after he can get over his ego? (5) (5)